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Jin prespective

I always knew i liked namjoon the most in bangtan and having so much alone time with him was making it worse.

When we practice all together its hard to focus my attention on one member, so i can concentrate. When i practice with only namjoon however i can hardly focus on anything other than him. I often catch myself starring at him as he drinks water or as his clothes cling to his sweaty body.

The fact that i know he is straight really hurts, he goes out with girls and stays out all night. Because of this when i catch myself looking at him i get mad at myself.

Why do i have to love someone i can never have?

Namjoon prespective

I had to gathered up my courage to ask jin to practice with me, so it made me happy when he said yes.

Despite this I'm starting to regret my decision. Often when i look at jin he looks away looking mad or disgusted at what i can only imagine is the fact that he has to be here with me.

When i need to get out my frustrations i'll go out with a woman it's the only way i can keep myself from doing something i'll regret.

Why do i have to love someone i can never have?

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