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Jin perspective

I woke up the next morning after thinking about namjoon all night, i was instantly overcome with regret.

I had woken up from a beautiful dream of me and namjoon out on a date we were laughing, talking, and we even kissed.

Though it wasn't all bad waking up i had found my answer i really wanted to date namjoon and i was going to tell him next time we practiced alone.

The whole day i was stealing glances at namjoon and i could tell he was doing the same, i was on an uncontrollable high and was smiling all day.
When it was finally time for practice i started to get really nervous.

For a few minutes i stood in place not doing anything and namjoon must have noticed because i was soon snaped out of my daydreaming by his voice "hyung are you ok" he asked sounding really worried.

I came to my senses and asked namjoon if he was sure he wanted to go out with me, "of course, I've wanted that for awhile now," i half expected his answer, but still wanted to hear it. " I've wanted that for along time aswell" i said smiling and walking towards him.

I pressed my lips against his and i could tell he was really suprised but he soon started pressing back. He put his arms around my waist and i put mine around his neck. As we kissed longer namjoon slid his tongue into my mouth, i let out a slight moan as his tongue teased mine.

Namjoon soon sat down and pulled me onto his lap not wanting to seperate i sat down without resisting. We continued kissing and his hand made their way up my shirt, his cold hands touching my chest, i felt a chill as one hand slid down to my pants buckle.

I was a bit jumpy from nervousness and thought i heard footsteps, getting worried i held namjoons hand. He told me not to worry they already left so i let go of his hand as he once again stuck his tongue deep into my mouth.

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