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Third person perspective

Every day after practicing with eachother jin and namjoon would go up to the roof to cool off, today was no exeption.

They would sit and let their muscles relax as they gazed at the beautiful scenery. While relaxing they would occasionally chat but most of the time they just let their minds trail off.

Because they were getting better at the choreo namjin decided that they deserved a short day, so when they went to the roof as usual they were slightly suprised. It was the first time they finished up practice early enough to see the sunset.

Neither of them had watched a sun set in years, they never had the time nor ever tried. They had forgotten how beautiful they could be. Mesmerized by the sunset they both sat there eyes fixated on the large mess of summer colours being brushed away by those of winter.

Namjoon was the first to talk,
"Hyung, when i first saw you there was no doubt in my mind that you could be easily scouted for your looks," he paused for a second before continuing "but do you ever wish you were never scouted, do you ever think you would be better off without bangtan?"

Namjoon kept his eyes on the sunset, it wasnt till jin started to answerd that he finally looked away.

Jin stared at the sunset while thinking when he finally said "There are times that i wonder what my life would be like if i wasnt with bangtan. If i would be rich or homeless, if i could be a big actor or laze around the house all day, but those thoughts scare me for mainly one reason, in all of these thoughts i can never find you and i feel that without you my life would be meaningless."

As jin finished talking namjoon's cheeks lit up into flames he never expected jin to say that he needs him he always thought that he had disliked and only tolerated him.

Namjoon was finding it hard to look at jins face but had to ask "jin does that mean you like me" jin stood up saying "yes, but i just had to get that off my chest im sorry if im burdening you, dont feel like you have to retaliate i know your straight."

When jin finished talking he started to walk away as namjoon grabed his hand "I want to retaliate, i could never once imagined that you liked me like i like you and even now its hard to believe but i want us to try us out."

Jin at this point was as shook as possible but tried to keep calm and replied "Namjoon i do like you but i need time to think about it I've spent years thinking i could never have you and i need time to straighten out my thoughts."

Namjoon replied with a smile "I understand but this whole thing still makes me extreamly happy." "me too" jin replied as he walked back inside with a slight smile stuck on his face.

Namjoon stayed on the roof sorting his thoughts and smiling like an idiot barely realizing that the sky was now full of stars that shone through the darkness surrounding him and decided he should go inside.

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