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Third person perspective

Are we almost there yet taehyung groaned tired of waiting. It was bangtan's day off and they had all agreed to go to the beach together. While it was a group get together it was plain to see that namjoon and jin were almost in a diffrent world. They would still listen and talk to everyone but the only thing they were really focused on was eachother.

The day started out with jungkook and j-hope waking everyone up by practically dragging them out of their bed. They really loved the sea and wanted to get there as soon as possible. Everyone sluggishly got ready and then ate breakfast, j-hope had made bacon, sausage, eggs, and toast.

Everyone piled into the car. Jin was the driver and jungkook had called dibs on riding shotgun so he controlled the music. He turned on the radio and instantly started jamming it was big bang's fantastic baby. Namjoon was sitting behind jin and anytime they came to a stop he would mess with him poking and occasionally tickling him.

After awhile they arrived at the beach jimin, jungkook, j-hope, and taehyung jumped out of the car the second they finished parking and instantly ran towards the water. Jin and namjoon had to take almost everything out to the beach by themselves because before they could ask yoongi to help he disappeared. He had made his way to the shade of the dock.

After setting everything up jin plopped down onto one of the fold up chairs. Namjoon moved his closer to jin then did the same. Jin and namjoon talked a bit while enjoying the sound of the waves but soon joined the others who were still jumping around in the ocean. After about three hours of swimming and playing in the ocean everyone headed to go get lunch.

When they were finished eating they all went their separate ways. Yoongi went to go lay down, jimin, jungkook, j-hope, and taehyung went to go explore the dock and jin and namjoon decided to take a walk down the beach. They were walking and talking till suddenly jin started running pulling namjoon along with him. He stopped once they were inside a cove it was close to impossible to notice it unless you knew where it was.

I discovered this place as a kid i used to come here when i wanted to hide from people jin said sitting down on a big rock. He patted the rock signaling namjoon to sit next to him. Namjoon did as signalled and sat next to him. I wanted to show it to you the place i haven't shown to anyone, i love you namjoon jin said planting his lips against namjoon's. For awhile they sat in silence but decided to head back as the sun started to set.

Bangtan once again gathered together around six they had a few more things planned that they wanted to do. Namjoon went to the car bringing back a watermelon, big stick, and a bag of fireworks. Jimin went first then jungkook both missing the watermelon but bangtan made the mistake of letting namjoon go third fulfilling his title namjoon destroyed the watermelon. They kept the watermelon in a bag so they could eat it after it was destroyed. By the time they were finished eating the watermelon it had gotten dark and was now perfect for fireworks. They were just the handheld ones but everyone had fun chasing eachother around and making designs out of the smoke. Junkook and taehyung had a contest to see whose firework would go out first, taehyung won and junkook asked for a rematch.

It was late when bangtan was ready to go home they slowly got into the car. Eveyone was tired from their long day making the car ride home a quiet one. Namjoon was in the front seat talking to jin to help keep him awake. When they arrived home everyone went into their rooms to sleep, Namjoon and Jin never separating as they now shared a bedroom.

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