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Jin perspective

I woke up to the sound of rain, i sat up noticing that namjoon was sitting on the edge of the bed. He was staring out the window at the sky, i wrapped my arms and legs around him and rested my head on his shoulder. What cha thinking about i said staring at the sky as well. You last night he said letting out a slight chuckle. I slapped him on the arm. Joking joking i was thinking about our future. I went back to my original position and once again stared at the raindrops and the dark clouds from which they fell, now too thinking about my and namjoons future.

My thinking of our future was ended abruptly by the sound of my stomach growling. I got up asking namjoon if he wanted something to eat, he nodded his head and i made my way towards the kitchen. I was making pancakes when i heard rustling in the living room but was too distracted by the food to check what it was. When i was finished cooking them i called namjoon into the kitchen while i put on the finishing touches. We ate together talking as we shoveled food into our mouths.

When i walked into the living room the game was all set up and so was the couch there was blankets and pillows making it look irresistibly comfy. Namjoon walked in with a smile on his face. "Do you wanna play?" he asked walking over to the game. I plopped down on the couch as if answering yes. We mostly played 1v1 fighting and racing games, both of us being almost tied in scores but i came out on top for once. We also played mario, even though I've beat it many times i still love it. Once we got bored of playing games we started watching tv.

The weather outside made it perfect for daytime cuddling, it kept us both warm and i loved being close to namjoon. It was hours before i let me and namjoon separate he had to use the restroom. Losing my heater i decided to grab snacks something i had wanted to do for awhile but wasn't more important than cuddling. They met back on the couch and the binging began.

It was night time and the rain was still pouring it had been on and off all day. Me and namjoon were both tired so we decided to go lay down. For awhile i was silent just cuddling in his arms, thinking about everything that has happened one feeling rushed over me i loved namjoon more than anything.

Jin. I love you

Namjoon. I love you too

They shared a kiss before dozing off to sleep.

To be continued...

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