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Its up to you if you want to read it, it wont mess with the story if you dont.

Jin perspective

Me and namjoon were watching a movie together in the living room. He had watched it before but i hadn't so i was surprised when it turned into a sex scene. Namjoon was fine but because i was caught off guard i got a bit hard. Not wanting him to know i tried keeping calm, acting unfazed hoping he wouldn't look at me. To my displeasure or maybe not, he did, a smirk spread across his face as his hand made it way from his lap onto mine trailing its way up my inner thigh.

I let out a light moan as his hand began cupping me, slightly pushing as his hand trailed up to my buckle. At the same time his other hand ran throught my hair as he sucked on my neck. Namjoon was now on top of me repositioning me into a laying position. He unbuckled my pants and began unzipping them. It took all of my self restraint to stop him. We can't do this here what if someone walkes i... before i could finish namjoon had picked me up taking me to our bedroom.

Third person perspective

Namjoon tossed jin onto the bed then locked the door. By the time he reached the bed namjoon was only in his boxers, he had lube and a condom in his hand. As he got on top of jin, namjoon tossed them to the side of the bed. Namjoon stuck his hand under jins shirt and proceeded to take it off. He then brought his lips to jin's then his neck then lower and lower till he had left a trail of hickys down his chest stopping at his pants.

Namjoon pulled of jin's pants and boxers in one swift motion, a shiver went down jins spine as the cold air surrounded his hard cock. Namjoon grabbed the lube and put some on his fingers and some on jins ass, namjoon looked to jin for confirmation before thrusting his fibger into him. After a short while namjoon decided it was time for another finger, and without warning thrusted another into jin causing him to yelp, but his yelp soon turned into a moan as namjoon began stretching him with both fingers. Their tongues were intertwined as drool began to drip down jin cheek. Jin grabbed namjoons hand and pulled his tongue out of namjoons mouth. I want you in me jin said in a sexy sultry voice. Namjoon who wanted nothing more than that pulled his fingers out of jin making him moan, he then hurriedly took his boxers off and put the condom around his length.

Namjoon held one of jins legs in the air the other wrapped around namjoons leg. Namjoon positioned himself in front of jins hole "ready" he said "yea" jin said biting his lip, with that namjoon was thrusting into jin. It hurt for a couple secounds but pain turned to pleasure as namjoon hit jins g-spot making him moan loudly as his leg tightened around namjoons. Namjoon picked up the pace as he got closer and closer to cumming, jin also close to cumming began pumping his length. Jin came moaning loudly his body spasming, as jin came his ass tightened around namjoon pushing him past the limit. He came moaning loudly and digging his nails into jins thigh

Namjoon and jin cleaned up then went to bed in each other's arms exhausted from the exercise.

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