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Third person perspective

As namjoon walked past jins room he thought he heard crying, worried about jin he knocked. When he heard jin ask who is it he heard his voice crack. He was getting more worried and answered " it's me namjoon i'm coming in" before he opened the door. Namjoon could instantly tell jin was crying and rushed over to his bed. Jin slightly pushed him, he didn't want anyone especially not namjoon to see him crying.

Namjoon asked jin what was wrong already worried and not knowing what to expect. "I..I don't think we should date anymore" jin said his voice quivering. What do you mean? Why? Namjoon was confused by Jin's sudden break up. "I thought i could handle it but i cant, i just cant" jin said on the verge of tears. "What are you talking about" namjoon said now getting slightly angry. Jin noticed namjoon was getting agrivated and couldn't handle it, he began to tear up  "can you leave i just..i want to be alone" he said while averting his head away from namjoon. With that namjoon was mad, he yelled fine as he walked out of jin's room and then the dorm slaming the door behind him.

Jin perspective

I flinched as namjoon slammed the door. I dont think i had ever before seen him get that angry. I continued to cry not caring that the others could hear. I grabbed the letters i hurriedly hid under my bed. I rolled them up then threw them in the trash. I had so much regret for breaking up with namjoon, but if i didn't i might have began to regret going out with him and i feel like that would be worse than the pain I'll feel for giving him up. That night i cried myself to sleep for the first time in awhile. Only able to think about how much i wanted to be together with namjoon, and how impossible it was.

Namjoon perspetive

I slammed the door shut as i walked out of the dorm, as i did i heard a slight crack but kept on walking. I was pissed first jin wouldn't tell me what was bothering him, then he went and broke up with me without even telling me why. I walked for about a mile before letting off enough steam that my mind and heart weren't racing uncontrollably. As i began to take in what had just happened my feelings changed from anger to sadness. All that was in my mind was Why, what did i do wrong. With these thoughts circling over and over in my head i headed home, plopped down on my bed and just lay there for hours till my head stopped working and my eyes drifted closed.

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