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Third person perspective

Suga was the first one to speak "we need to talk" at that namjoon began to get worried " jimin told us."


"Why is the dance point of fire so hard" jimin groaned as he made his way to the practice room, he wanted it to be perfect because at that point he is in the front.

As jimin opened the door he stoped in his tracks noticing jin and namjoon sitting together as he focused more he realized, jin was on namjoons lap as namjoon was touching his body and kissing him. Almost instantly jimin closed the door and walked away cheeks blushing.

Jimin went back to the dorms sorting out what had just happened and what he should do. He didn't know if he should pretend he saw nothing or confront them somehow. Not knowing what to do he decided to tell the rest of bangtan when he noticed that jin and namjoon were heading out together.


"Im not saying you cant, i cant, but you should think about how it will affect you and the rest of bangtan. Think about whether you should do it not whether you want to."

"Im not doing this right know" jin said heading to his bedroom, he went in ignoring the protests against him leaving and went to bed. Not being able to ignore the members as their leader namjoon decided to listen to what they had to say.
Most weren't opposed to them dating but were worried about how it would affect bangtan as a whole if people found out.

The next morning namjoon explained everything to jin and added in how he felt."I'm not saying we have to break up but i want you to think about how our relationship will affect those around us, because i wouldn't be able to live with myself if i ruined yours and the rest of bangtans careers."

Namjoon knew he was asking alot but wanted to make sure jin wouldnt regret his decision. Jin began yelling "Do you honestly think I've never thought about that in the five years I've liked you, honestly it scares me to think about it but I've still done it many times. If you feel like you need to think about it go ahead." Jins yelling startled namjoon leaving him speachless he couldnt even react as jin walked out the door, but namjoon knew jin was right he hadn't thought of it before, because he thought he would never have to, and namjoon telling jin to think about it was his way of telling himself to think about it.

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