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Warning smut
It doesn't go too far but i still need to put a warning  also if you want to skip it wont mess with the story this is just there for people who enjoy it

Third person perspective

Namjoons hand made its way back to jins pants that were getting tighter by the second, he unbuttoned them and slid his hand around jins length and began slowly massaging it.

Jin was panting and moaning between kisses, the sweet noises were making namjoon get hard. He began to quicken the pace of his hand covered in precum. Jin's moans became more frequent and louder, "faster i wanna cum" he said. Namjoon did as asked and quickened his pace.

Jin came moaning loudly, his body spasming in pleasure. Namjoon stared at his face as he came, unable to look away from jins sexyness. Jins breath became slower and deeper and as he regained his breath he kissed namjoon again, as he did he noticed how hard namjoon had gotten and decided to take care of him

Jin unbuttoned namjoons pants and got on his knees in front of him. Jin smirked as he exposed namjoons length that already had precum on it. Jin brought down his head and teased the tip a bit before taking it into his mouth. Jin began bobbing his head taking namjoon's cock deep into his throat. Namjoon put his hand on the back off jins head pushing it slighty as he lightly pulled his hot blond hair.

It wasnt long before namjoon was reaching his limit. "Gonna ngh cum" namjoon half moaned, jin felt the hand on his hair thighten then a second later cum was filling his mouth and throat causing him to remove his mouth from around namjoon. Jin began coughing, he had drunken most of the cum but a little trailed down his chin. Namjoon wiped it off and suggested they go clean up jin agreed and they left towards the dorm together.

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