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Namjoon perspective

It has been more than a week since jin broke up with me. At first i was pissed then i was sad. It became a constant cycle and right now im pissed. Jin usually ignores me, when i try to get close to him he walks away or goes to one of the other members as if using them as shields. Right now though jin can't hide behind the other members because they aren't here, and im gonna make him tell me why he broke up with me.

Third person perspective

Namjoon walked up to jin who was coming out of the bathroom. Jin pretending he didn't exist and just walked past him but was stopped by namjoon grabbing his hand. Jin tried with all of his strength to pull away but couldn't namjoon was stronger than him. Namjoon pushed jin against the wall pinning his arms up against it.

Let me go jin said struggling to gain his strength. No, not until you tell me why you broke up with me namjoon said tightening his grip on jins arms. Don't even try to say it's because you stoped loving me because if that were true you would no longer wear that promise ring.
Jin averted his head, "because i had to i couldn't handle it anymore." Handle what namjoon said raising his voice. All the hate, do you know how much it hurts when even those who are supposed to be your fans hate you. I thought i could handle it because i have always gotten hate but ever since people noticed our rings it's gotten so much worse.

 I thought i could handle it because i have always gotten hate but ever since people noticed our rings it's gotten so much worse

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Jin at this point had began crying. Namjoon had released jin's arms long ago now holding him in his. Do you still love me. Jin took a second to answer not knowing if he should tell the truth or not. He decided to tell the truth wanting to be with namjoon "yea i do, i love you namjoon" he said cuddling into namjoons chest. Then I'll help you through all hardships and all the hate because i love you too and im never gonna let you go again.

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