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Namjoon perspective

It's been about a month since me and jin made up. Promotions were over quickly and our lives are finally starting to die down. I was glad to see that the rest of bangtan seemed to support our relationship. They would even occasionally make jokes, all in good fun of course.

I'm beginning to get worried though, lately jin has been acting more and more depressed. I'll ask him what's wrong and he'll just tell me its nothing. It hurts me to see him sad and even more so that he is beginning to avoiding me. It's never anything serious but if i reach for his hand or sit next to him he'll slightly pull away. I know something's wrong but he wont tell me and it saddens me that he feels like he cant.

Jin perspective

" I've picked up the fanmail" jimin said putting a large basket on the table. Most members immediately started to read them but i was in the middle of cooking. "Hey jimin could you put mine on my desk" i asked "sure hyung" he answered as he grabbed some letters and headed toward my room.

After i finished cooking and eating i took a shower, then i watched some tv. When i started to get bored i decided i couldn't put it off forever and decided to read the fanmail. I knew it would be the same as usual but part of me wished it wouldn't. I sat down on my bed and opened up the first letter, it was the same as last time. Ever since people had started to pick up on me and namjoon dating i have been getting non-stop hate from homophobes and namjoons fans who feel like im taking him from them.

When i do get fanmail thats not hate it's just people complementing my looks saying how handsome or pretty i am. They never say they like me for me they only like my looks, i cant stop myself from thinking that the majority of "fans" wouldn't even care if i was gone.

By the time i was almost done reading all of the mail i was crying. I heard a knock on my door, i scrambled to put away the letters and asked who is it while trying not to let my voice sound like i was just crying.

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