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Jin pespective

It was five days before the comeback we were just finished with group practice when j-hope started saying me and Namjoon both did great seeing as we had only gotten called out two or three times the entire practice. After j-hope left namjoon got closer to me then whispered " yeah we did great so lets go on a date to celebrate" with that my cheeks turned pink and i nodded.

Later that night i asked him where we were going and he told me "don't worry about it its a surprise" but hearing him say that only made me want to know more and made it hard to sleep.

The next morning

I woke up a bit tired but extremely exited. I knew our date wasn't till five but i wanted it to be now. Namjoon chose where we are going and won't tell me which is making me even more exited.

Six hours later

I decided to start getting ready because it was an hour before five i took a shower and then got dressed i put on black skinny jeans and a loose black top and my red convers, i got them because namjoon said he liked them but i was too shy to ever really wear them. I did my hair and last touch ups and it was already fifteen till five so i decided to look for namjoon.

Namjoon perspective

I spent deep into the night planning our date, but i didn't plan what i was going to wear it was thirty minutes before time to go, i grabbed a white shirt, black jeans, and timberlands then jumped in the shower. When i was finished i got dressed then bumped into jin in the hallway.

Third person perspective

"Oww, oh hey namjoon" Jin said standing up holding his butt "I'm ready to go." Namjoon told him he just needed to grab a jacket real quick as he started to walk away about halfway down the hallway he said "you should grab one too." Namjoon didn't like drying his back so his shirt stuck to him letting Jin see the outline of his body through his white shirt. At first Jin was too immersed in Namjoon's back to answer but managed to say "yeah, ok"

Jin and namjoon met up at Namjoon's car Jin in a pink jacket and namjoon in a black. Namjoon noticed Jin's shoes it made him smile "you look good" namjoon said before getting into the car. With that Jin was happily getting into the car, namjoon almost laughed at how happy he looked but was too busy admiring the view.

It was a forty-five minute ride till namjoon stopped in front of a large building. Jin read snow skater on a big sign, Jin had always loved skiing but he also liked ice skating. Namjoon on the other hand had only once before went ice skating. Jin grabbed Namjoon's hand and pulled him through the door. After they got on skates namjoon and Jin walked to the rink, Jin began skating as if it was as easy as walking. But namjoon still had to get used to it. Jin circled around the rink a couple times before stopping at namjoon, he had hardly moved from his starting position and Jin wanted to help him.

Jin took namjoon's hand letting him keep one on the railing, they went around twice before namjoon was able to get the hang of it. At that point Jin and namjoon were skating together Jin occasionally showing off and namjoon occasionally falling. They were both having a great time though.

They ice skated for about two and a half hours before namjoon asked Jin if he wanted to go eat. Jin being Jin said of course and they went to go turn in their shoes there was a teenage girl at the counter. As they turned in their skates she said "you guys are a cute couple, have a nice day" taken by surprise namjoon just said thank you then walked out of the rink. Once out he began laughing, Jin soon joined him they never thought someone would call them a cute couple.

They went to a dinner not far from the ice rink it was small, but pleasant and the food was delicious. Jin had ordered two plates of food and desert and namjoon ordered one and desert. No matter how many times namjoon saw it he was always mesmerized by how much Jin could eat and how he could still be so perfect. Jin and namjoon finished at about the same time both stuffed.

"There's still one more place I want us to go" Namjoon said as they approached the car. "I cant wait" Jin said opening the door. They drove for about ten minutes till they stopped on a grass filled ledge with few trees. Jin got out and started looking around, there was a beautiful scene of a moon overlooking a city. Namjoon just about pounced him causing him to fall to the ground with namjoon on top of him "it's beautiful right" namjoon said staring at the scenery "yea it really is" Jin replied.

Namjoon got up to the displeasure of Jin "what are you doing" he questioned as namjoon went to his car. He was answered by namjoon walking back with a blanket and pillow. "I thought it might get cold" he said smiling. He sat down with the blanket around him motioning Jin to sit in his lap. Jin sat down cuddling in his arms as they relaxed.

It wasn't long before they were laying down Namjoon's arms wrapped around Jin their legs intertwined. "Hey Jin how long have you liked me" namjoon questioned "about five years how about you"  "six" namjoon answered. Namjoon's answer confused Jin he thought that namjoon only started to like him recently seeing how he used to go out with women often. Before Jin could ask namjoon answered almost as if reading his mind "i used to go out with women as you know but i only did that because i couldn't stand how much i wanted you. I used to come here to keep a distance from to or write lyrics, the peaceful scenery keeps me calm and helps me think."

Time passed as they cuddled together and looked at the sky, Namjoon noticed Jin was just about ready to fall asleep and decided it was time to go home. " Jin i had a great time and i hope you did too, but its time to go home now." Jin had a slight pout on his face but didn't complain, more like he couldn't almost the second he got in the car he was sound asleep. The car ride home was an hour long but for namjoon it didn't feel that long he got to occasionally steal a glimpse of Jin's sleeping face, he loved how peaceful he looked.

Jin was still half asleep leaning on namjoon as they walked up to the dorm door. As namjoon opened the the door the first thing he saw was all the members in the living room waiting for them with straight faces.

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