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Jin perspective

It had been four days since i told namjoon to think about how our relationship would effect us and the rest of bangtan. I knew it would take awhile but im starting to get impatient. All he does is sit in his room thinking and sulking.

I was in the kitchen when for the first time in awhile namjoon came up to me. I figured he found an answer because he didnt look depressed as usual. He asked me if we could talk so i followed him to the living room. It was empty, everyone was either in their room resting or preparing for the comeback. I myself had just not long ago woken up from a nap, wanting a snack i went to the kitchen.

We sat down on the couch and he began explaining, "I've thought about it alot and I'm prepared for anything because i love you and i want us to be together" i was on the verge of tears " i..i love you too, more than anything." I was about to hug him when I was pushed over the edge. Namjoon brought out two matching promise rings. As he put one on my hand he said "I promise i will always love you" i do too was all i could manage between sniffles.

Namjoon took me into his arms cuddling me as i cried. After i managed to stop i asked what his solution was. " I came to the realization that without you, now that i have had you, my life would be meaningless." With that i was again on the verge of tears but fought it back by kissing namjoon. We then went to bed needing rest for the comeback.

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