A Life Changing Moment

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Once I got to the orphanage, my feet were a little bit aching and one of my other friends came over and said "Dude, I saw you with that actor who plays-"

"Captain America," we both said in unison.

"I know, it's a lot for me to know especially," I said smiling. "It takes a lot to know one, right?"

My friend nodded and went away while I went to my room and sat down on my bed before looking at the clock in the room.

That's when Sister Karen came in the room and said "Carly! I got good news for you!"

My eyebrows raised and I didn't say anything.

"Come on, follow me." Sister Karen seemed really eager about this.

I followed her from behind with my backpack still on and my feet still a little bit in pain.

Sister Karen entered the interview room, and for some reason, I was really confused by the fact that there wasn't any info about someone wanting to adopt me.

"Come in here!" she said moving her arm towards her.

I sighed and walked in slowly to see that CHRIS EVANS WAS HERE!!! OMG, I was literally having a mini heart attack in my body.

"Oh, my..." was all I said before I almost stumbled down before catching myself.

"I can tell you that you're in shock?" Sister Karen said helping me up a bit.

I nodded smiling. I couldn't believe what was going on.

"Wait, why is he here again?!" I said almost screaming.

"I'm here to adopt you!" Chris said smiling.

My expression changed so hard right then and there.


This one was really short, and I am so sorry for it to be like this.

I haven't uploaded in a while, so I am sorry for that as well. School is really a pain in the ass to deal with, am I right?

I hope to upload more since I got a lot of new ideas coming to the story.


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