You Trippin'

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Dad and I were sorta full of the eggs and sausage that was made by me, and we were watching TV. I really am into a lot of shows, but it's so difficult to watch them with NOW school to deal with.

Here's that situation: I was able to go to a little school which is reserved in a building with an orphanage, but the majority of the kids there are orphans. It's in LA still, but I were to choose to be taught on the road, which is meaning I would do it at home, or on the road whenever dad had to go somewhere, that could be it. The other option would be going there to the building and take it there from 8:00 AM to 1 PM, which is six hours of learning.

Dad and I had to go to the place to do the little interview with me. I wore this:

Once we got there, we sat down in the waiting lobby and eventually, I had to go in and not my dad

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Once we got there, we sat down in the waiting lobby and eventually, I had to go in and not my dad. He's not the one being interviewed, I was.

I sat down in the chair while a lady with glasses, her hair tied up, and wearing a dress seemed to look professional, but in a building like this? You trippin'.

"Hello, Carly," she said.


She started off with a few basic questions about my past history, and I also told her I'm adopted and everything is good. 

She did have a few pointers that some of the kids in the "school" were from bad families worse than mine, or lighter on the case. 

It's only a matter of time before I don't kill myself from the homework she also told me about.

"And... do you remember what grade you were in?" she asked me.

I looked around the room, and back at her to say "I'm 13, I think I was in 7th grade by the time I got adopted..."

She looked at me like I was stupid, but she said "You'll be going in with the 8th grade then. I assure you that there's another building with high school people, but they're not orphans."

I sort of looked panicked when she said that, and I reassured myself that I too was adopted and no longer an orphan.

"Don't worry, the high school place you're gonna go to will have a look at your grades."

"I don't want to go to one! I'd rather have them on the road kit," I said sorta angry.

"Okay... That was quick," she said fixing her glasses. "We're just gonna have your dad come in and talk about this, okay?"

I nodded and thanked her before leaving. Dad saw me outside and I gave them a point to the room.

He got up while I sat down and he rubbed my head and went in while I sat there quietly...

After a good while, dad came out and said: "You're one to choose easily."

I laughed and got up before getting handed a sheet from him. It was saying that I would have an instructor every day except the weekends from 7 AM to 10 PM, and then from 3 PM to 7 PM. What kind of schedule is that?

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