Rather Stay With Him

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After the shopping and putting everything away, I was with the family still and we were getting ready for the little karaoke night. It was gonna be lit, and I was really into doing more fun stuff. We were playing Heads Up, Truth or Dare, Guess Who? and a whole lot of other cool games.

My phone was ringing and I looked to see a caller ID from Boston, and I answered it without question and said "Hello?"

"Ahhh... Carly, is that you?" I heard a familiar voice say. That's when I noticed it was my mom.

Remember? The widow that she lost her husband, and I lost my dad? Well, it's just greater, isn't it? Now, this woman wants to probably get back to my life after the "therapy" she had.

I hung up without any question and blocked the number and deleted the call. I pretended like it never happened.

"Carly! Come on, let's get started with the song choices!" dad said calling me from the living room.

"Okay!" I said from my room.

I looked at my phone, and I closed it and put it in my pocket and took a deep breath. What if my mom was coming here? To LA? What if she wants me to have me go back with her to life?

Once I got to the living room, Grandma was happy and said "Carly! Come on, let's take these clowns down with some old school?"

"How far of old school are you talking about?" I asked her when I sat down on the couch.

"I'm talking about Bohemian Rhapsody."

My eyes widened and said "That's an old classic! I know all the lyrics!"

"Let's get started then!" Uncle Scott said.

Grandma chose the song and we got ready to start singing.


"The cold never bothered me anyway," my dad and Uncle Scott said as they finished Frozen's "Let It Go".

Grandma and I started laughing and taunting them while they were mocking us back after our song "Anaconda" by Nicki Minaj. That song almost made grandma twerk, which would've been awkward... I could tell dad wasn't enjoying me singing that song since I was really into it.

The doorbell rang, and I said "I'll get it! It might be the pizza!"

I ran over by the door and got my money out. I opened the door and realized something completely wrong.

No pizza. No delivery guy. It was my mom.

She made the most adorable face for a mother to see her daughter again, but all I did was slam the door on her and ran away to my room sorta crying.

I slammed my door and locked it to start crying on my bed.

There was so much anger in me, and I was screaming so much that I just wanted to not be with my mom anymore. The amount of pain she gave me without no love and it was just wrong...

I heard a knock at my door, and shouted "If it's my mom, GO AWAY! If it's someone else, pick the lock!"

There was silence and heard the lockpick and open. My side was facing away from the door and I kept breathing heavily.

"Carly... I think that your mom wants to talk to you," dad said worriedly.

"I don't want to talk to her! She ruined my life after my dad died! My real one!"

There was silence, and I felt my dad sit by my legs, and he looked at me. "Carls, come on... I know you can actually handle talking to her."

"No... I can't..." I said with tears coming down my face. "She's just pretending to be happy to see me again."

"What are you talking about?"

I sat up and wiped my tears with my sleeve. 

"She... She never actually looked out for me after my dad died... Literally, never even did... She only cooked for herself, and she even imagined she was living alone. That's how messed up a widow mother can do to her own child. And what happened to me? She decides to take note of me and to only say that I belong in an orphanage."

Dad was looking at me with cold in his eyes, and I could tell he was gonna cry. "It's not right for me... for me to handle that because I literally cannot take in the fact that a mother no longer cares about her child over her love. It sounds messed up, but she did that. I had to literally live at my own house for the longest time until the orphanage idea came. She dropped me off and did not even say 'goodbye' or 'I love you'."

My eyes were watering by this point, and I put my hands on my face before dad hugged me tightly. He rested his head on top of mine and kept sighing in and out. I could tell he was really emotional too.

There was some movement from outside the door, and I opened my eyes to see my mom, and she tried to talk before I gave her a cold death stare before she left the room running. 

The running kept going until the front door slammed shut and a car outside started and took off.

Grandma and Uncle Scott came into the room and saw me and dad crying and hugging. They joined in to make me feel better.

Family hugs are important...

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