Pool Is Life (Not 8 Ball)

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I was in the kitchen by now and having a banana since I really was craving for fruit, and I threw it away trying to be a basketball player. Oh yeah, sports...

I'm not much on it, but when I'm my quirky self, I usually do that type of stuff for fun.

My phone started ringing, and I was confused by the caller's ID, so I still answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Carly. Evans. How can you not forget about me already?" I heard Scarlett's voice say. "You have literally forgotten about me, haven't you!?"

I sighed and said "Well..."

"Be honest!"

I looked around at the picture of dad and someone else and said "Yeah. Sorta have."

"Carly, this isn't how it goes for women. WE have to build a relationship since your dad is your dad, and you must meet me all the time!"

I laughed and looked at another photo of dad with grandma and Uncle Scott.

"Look, I will try to hang out with you sometime this week. Dad's just wanting me to spend time with him since he finished Civil War and I don't think he's working on another movie at the moment, which is lit."

Scarlett stayed silent, and said, "You're really like this generation, aren't you...?"

I laughed again and said, "Lookie, I gots to go since paw is already up and I can hear him before he attacks me."

"All right then, and make sure you have him try out that little pie thing I told you about," Scarlett mentioned.

"Oh, I will!"

I said goodbye to Scarlett and put my phone down at the counter and saw dad there in his shorts, tired as always.

"Hello, dad. What can I help you with this morning of a new day?" I said smiling.

"You can start me off with a fruit behind you," he said rubbing his hair.

I grabbed an apple and tossed it to him and said: "Good choice, fine sir, and may I say you are quite in shape for a lad like you."

He smiled and said, "Oh yes, Carly, I am in tip-top shape, and I can tell by the little chubs on your stomach a bit."

I looked and saw nothing. "No, I don't! I'm perfectly fine! I eat healthy too, and it's good to know that especially about what I planned for us to do today!"

He groaned and rested his upper body on the counter while looking at me. "What did you want to do today, fine lady?"

I smiled and took my phone in my hand to show him.

He saw it with his tired eyes, and he nodded a bit slowly after finishing it. "You want to start off by going in the pool?"

"Yas, and we need to be in tip top shape first. So... Get your athletic clothing on before we go running around. I sure hope with your oldness you can keep up with me."

"Carly! Stop saying I'm old!" he said turning to look at me when I left the counter. "I'mma show how I'm still quick!"

He started running after me before I went up the stairs and ran to his room and jumped on the bed before he started tickling me to death.


I saw the uphill to the house and continued running there with dad sorta tired a bit, and I said: "Are you really tired?"

"No I'm not!" he said catching up to me. "First one in the house has to cook food later on!"

I started chasing after him before beating him to the front door and going inside. He was surprised that I passed him, and he was trying to catch his breath before saying "You... You're fast for your size."

I laughed and said, "At least I'm not old..."

He got mad again, but he was just playing around. He picked me up quick before I could run and carried me over his shoulder before I said "Wait! We need to change to swim!"

"That's exactly why we're going in the pool to relax!" dad said.

"No! I don't want these clothes wet!"

"Too bad!"

As soon as I tried to get out of dad's grip, we both landed in the pool. The bad thing was that my mouth was open and water came into my nose too.

I started coughing loudly underwater and once I got above water, I kept coughing and was breathing heavily while taking my shoes off and socks as well.

"Oh my god... I can't believe you jumped in the water with your clothes on! That's ridiculous!" dad said sounding sarcastic.

I looked at him madly, and he did a cheesy smile and kept swimming while taking off his shirt.

"How are we gonna dry all of this stuff then!?" I said mad. "This is gonna take forever!"

Dad laughed. "You're overreacting about this... Pranked again!"

I sighed and went underwater sorta mad still.


Once I got out of the shower, I was comfortable again without the wet clothes on me. The day was over tho, and I was just trying to get away back at dad with the pranks.

I wore this for the rest of the day:

I walked down the steps and relaxed on the couch and felt tired and hurt from the running and the wet clothes being tight

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I walked down the steps and relaxed on the couch and felt tired and hurt from the running and the wet clothes being tight.

Dad came out of the shower too and he seemed stressed out too, and in pain.

"I'm pretty tired now..." dad said. "You just wanna watch movies?"

I nodded while fixing my little slippers and he sat down to put on a movie.

"Disney?" I asked.


I smiled and hugged him. He actually sprayed on cologne since he was tired, but it was amazing since now I wouldn't let go of him.

He hugged me too and I heard him say "Thank god you're here since it would be boring without anyone."

I smiled and looked at him. He looked at me too, and I said: "I love you, dad..."

"Love you too," he said kissing my head.

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