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I woke up in my dad's bed still clinging onto him while he was sleeping still, and he really was cute sleeping how he was.

Eventually, after the long wait, which was like 20 minutes, he started waking up. I finally pretended to be sleeping still and rested my head on his shoulder.

I felt him lift his head and plant a kiss on my cheek and slowly got out of my grip before I let go easily and he got out of bed.

"You're sneaky to do that..." he said whispering in my ear.

I smiled and opened my eyes to see him. "I just wanted to see how you would react..."

He smiled and ran his hand through his hair while I stretched and got out of bed to stand up by him.

He was tall from my height, and I'm only like 5"2 or 5"3. He must've been 6"0 or something like that.

"You're short," he said looking down at me a bit.

I hit him on the side and said: "That's what a lot of the kids at the orphanage said and I was the oldest!"

I went out of the bedroom to be greeted by a smell of bacon and other things so freshly amazed.

"Oh my goodness... Who is that making them bacon and pancakes?!"

I heard grandma's laughter coming from the kitchen and she said: "Well if it ain't the two of you already up."

I smiled and looked at dad, whom which was a little tired considering he was dragging against the wall. It sorta looked like he was fake being tired.

"Ma, can you make a plate for me?" dad said tiredly. "I don't know if I can stay up much longer..."

Grandma gave a face to him. 

"You will make your own plate and that's final!" She had a serious tone when she said that.

Breakfast was like heaven, and Uncle Scott had thrown a little mini pie in my face for a good morning streak.

Now, I hope y'all know what that is b/c if you don't... Omg 😐

I had felt a bit mad so all I said was "Boi."

He scoffed and said, "Boi I really got you good though."

My face was still dripping with the pie while dad was picking at it with his finger and licking it. I had to look at him to stop, but all he could was smile back at me with his teeth.

I looked back at Uncle Scott and felt a bit happy that my family was this cheesy.

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