Fight The Pain

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Having to feel a sharp of pain on my shoulder was like hell. Literally, it kept going more and worse, and I couldn't feel it for a little while too!

Dad sprung out of his seat and came over by me. "Heyheyhey... Just relax..."

"I can't!" I yelled. "It's hurting so much!!"

He was shushing me softly while holding my hand and rubbing it with his thumb. He was really supportive and caring.

"It just hurts... Oh my god..." I said moving slowly turning a bit.

He stopped me before I did something worse since that always happens.

Figured he was a big helper with whatever came to me. I guess that's how some dads are, except the ones that don't give two things about you even though you see them all the time. It's like faking a relationship with someone you don't even like.

The nurse came in and said "Good morning Carly! Seems like pa is taking over my second eyes and ears in case anything is wrong."

"Pain... Still hurts..." I said closing my eyes. "Please make it go away!"

"Oi, she sounds fiesty about this..."

My dad nodded slowly, and added: "Never know what to expect from her, right?"

I smiled and played it off before the nurse asked me some stuff about what hurt and what didn't. My left shoulder felt like coming off since it almost broke the bone, and that worried me a whole lot...

"Well... Seems like you're gonna have to keep an eye on your shoulder for a bit after you get out of here which will be... Around for a few months...?" the nurse said.

My eyes turned to dad, and he looked surprised to a bit with his eyebrows. 

"Is that also gonna go with the bill when she gets out? Medicine? Bandages and double-checking?"

"That's just the other half of leaving here..."

I still looked at dad, in which he looked back at me and smiled softly. "I'm gonna finish the movie in this week, guaranteed. After that, it's every day here with you."

"Thank the lord..." I said smiling more and resting my head on the pillow.

"We're just gonna have to give you a shot real quick..." the nurse said holding a needle.


Oh my god... That shot sorta made me feel like I was more tired, and dad told me that I felt like I was in heaven since it loosened me more.

Even though I felt like Jell-O, it was still good since I was sleeping.

These few months coming to me we're gonna be a long one...


Well... This is just more and more interesting, huh?

Parts may be flying in this weekend coming (2/1/17) <--- It's February already!


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