Pizza Is Always The Answer

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As soon as I started noticing the sun in the room, my eyes started to open when I realized the room was cold!

I still felt a grip from dad hugging me for faking to be scared about the nightmare. Oh... the nightmare...

Great... what an adventure to start the day off with.

You ever get that feeling that your mouth is so dry and you need something to drink and then when you do, it tastes nasty? Please tell me I'm not the only person here to have that happen to me.

After waiting for a good and sneaky way out of dad's grip, I got out of the room and headed to the living room which was also with the kitchen as well.

I opened the fridge and revealed a lot of things, and I grabbed a water bottle which was the first thing I saw.

Then my head started saying "PIZZA. PIZZA. PIZZA."

So I took my phone out and looked for a pizza place to call and did call them for a pizza all for myself.

Now... it may seem like I really enjoy doing this, but it was awkward. The guy on the other line was trying to talk to me about how he was tired and wanting me to agree with him on pizza over this and that. No.

After ordering it, I hung up and went outside in the back.

No wind, sorta sunny out, and really pretty was the first glance. My shirt was tucked in my shorts, and I took a sip of the water to then spit it out because it was vinegar!

Oh my god, I literally wanted to die right then and there...

I kept screaming and threw the water bottle on the ground and put my head in the pool to get the swimming pool taste.

Yes, it was stupid, but I need a perfect way to get rid of the taste of vinegar. That is not fun to taste since it really makes me want to puke.

After pulling my head out of the war, I sat on my butt and heard "You enjoy the water?"

I wiped my face with my hands and got up to turn at dad. "You are very funny... This is your way of pranking me?"

He smiled. "Well... This is what I like to call a little prank war considering Uncle Scott had done the streak with you. Why not help him out with everything since we're in LA?"

I didn't move, and dad threw a towel at me to say "You should change... Let's go eat at a pizza place close by."

My eyes widened when he said that, and I said: "I just ordered a pizza not long ago..."

"How are you gonna pay?" dad asked me.

I went past him into the house to go by a small brick on the floor to move it and take out an envelope, which had money. Grandma made sure I had my fun time with my money.

"How'd that brick not stay in there?" dad said jaw dropped.

I smiled brightly and opened the envelope to show the money. "Gram cares about me now, paw. Seems like her son is pouty about no money, even though he's rich."

Dad sorta got triggered and shrugged it off. "You still eating at the pizza place. Pizza is always the answer."

That line at the end was so perfect, I gave him a hug and said "Yes... Finally, someone that cares a lot about pizza."

He laughed and hugged me back.

We did eventually go to the pizza place and I had to bring the pizza that I ordered too, in which dad made me eat it all.

Puking isn't as fun as it seems now, right?


(1/31/17): I'm legit in one of my teacher's classrooms right now and writing this part while doing finals! 😱

I'm really more caring about this than school. 😝


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