Broken Piece

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I was in my bed and sorta feeling a bit like I wanted to go and do my little adventure at night. 

It usually gets to my head that I really don't care much about what happens, but I just enjoy what's coming.

I got out of bed and changed into this:

Once in that, I grabbed my camera along with and left the house while I knew dad would be home pretty soon

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Once in that, I grabbed my camera along with and left the house while I knew dad would be home pretty soon.

It's time for some mischievous adventures!

Once I got around the city, I saw a lot of cool things and started heading over to a park that looked cool.

My head was already going off on what my dad was going to say about me not being home.

If anyone doesn't know, I usually have a few different types of me, I would like to say. 

I have the silly self which is most of the time, the adventurous type of girl (which I am right now), and the sorta downtoned girl which is rare considering what may happen. It just made me feel like this ever since the Sisters at the orphanage and all the other kids were everyone I talked to.

Some days I had to fake being who I was to hang out with the other kids at the orphanage.

I headed by the swings and sat down on one of the empty ones right next to a little kid swinging back and forth.

My camera was still in my hands, so I looked over at the city and was getting a glimpse of the beautiful lights in it.

Once I got it, I saw a big hole by the fence with the metal rings around it. You'll see what I'm talking about.

I got up from the swings and went over by it to get a good look at the streets and lights, and I took the time to take the photo.

I got up from the swings and went over by it to get a good look at the streets and lights, and I took the time to take the photo

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I checked the time to see it was already 8:00 pm, and I figured dad would be home.

As soon as I had closed my phone, it opened again with a text from dad.

"Where are you?"

I texted him back saying "I'm at the park. Just wanted to explore more!"

It took him a while before he responded. "Can you come home, please? You have me worrying."

I made the "tsk" noise and put my phone away before walking back home.


My feet were sorta dragging, but I made it to my house in clear shape. I guess Vans aren't really a good thing for running so quickly, but eh? It's fun.

I unlocked the front door and went inside to close it and say "I'm home, paw! I wonder where you is at!"

My language for speaking like that is just silly, I'm sorry.

NOTE: I usually talk to my friends like that too 😂. Now back to the story

I wonder where dad was at since he didn't respond, but oh well...

I threw my backpack on the edge of the couch and kicked off my shoes to turn on the TV.

"Carly?" I heard a voice say sorta tired.

That's when paw came out of the hallway and rubbed his eyes before saying "You should really get to bed... It's already midnight..."

My mind was wanting to stay up, but I had to do what was told. I sorta figured he would've said that too.

I turned off the TV and grabbed my stuff and headed to my room. "See you in the morning paw."

He laughed when I said that. 

"Goodnight Carls," he returned the favor.

I smiled and closed my door to change and get into bed with my PJ's on.

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