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I woke up feeling good and stretched my arms out to look at the view of my room. It was already changing into what I always wanted, and it was getting there.

I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to take out eggs and wanted to start cooking. I was getting a bit hungry, and thought "Why not some sausage?"

I took it out and handled what was going on for an hour at least.

Footsteps started coming over to the kitchen and I turn my head to see dad. "Hola paw! Hope you like eggs and sausage!"

My eyes focused on the eggs and I kept moving them around with the spatula and the sausages getting cooked.

I took a photo of it with my phone and posted it on Instagram and Twitter.

"Do you realize what you caused yesterday?" my dad said. "You literally ran away from home and traveled all over the place! I was trying to find you for the past 4 hours of looking at the city and the park and everywhere!"

"Good to know now I'm here and it's all good," I said. "You got to know whenever I get like that, I turn into someone different. It's not my fault since I like it, but then again, I don't..."

"Why are you acting like it's not a big issue!?"


It was silence, and I turned my head to the eggs and continued cooking them before getting angry with the spatula and threw it on the ground.

"You don't understand more about what my dad and uncle are like... That guy that kept punching me was my uncle..." I said. "If you're so interested, it's because I never paid him back for ruining his car after my old orphanage friends did some stuff to it for fun. It was just because of his anniversary, but he got triggered by it."

My dad kept silent, and I closed my eyes and sighed. "My old family really doesn't care about me anymore... That's why I don't like to think about the past! It's just hurting me to remind myself that in this world, there's still nothing to help me out with everything that's wrong with me! I'm just someone here that doesn't even deserve no one!"

I took a knife and my dad said "NO!"

He took it out of my hands and I started laughing so hard because of that. He was really confused by this, and I kept laughing so much that my stomach hurting while seeing his face.

"It's a prank!" I said. "Streaks are like this, right? You have been missing out!"

My dad was still confused, so I said "Look... I'm sorry for what I did, and I didn't mean to run away and scare you. I was just thinking that it was the best option before you hurt me."

I quickly went to turn off the stove and put my hands to my face and kept shaking my head.

That's when I felt dad hug me and take my hands into his. "I would never do that to you... You're my daughter, and it's not right for you to think all like this. It was just because I was confused why you acted out when we went to see the movie."

I opened my eyes and said, "It's just cause I want to hang out with people my age..."

My dad rests his head on my left shoulder and said: "I was also gonna tell you about that too."

My expression changed, and he whispered: "School was an option..."

I almost screamed about it before I just realized the eggs were cooked and so were the sausages, and I smiled while moving my head to lay on dads.

(In reality, I didn't want to go to school since that's bull. 

Education does matter, I guess...)

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