Livin' Like Larry

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I was living my life. Living like Larry!

If you don't know what that means, you have no childhood...

I was with dad now since he was showing me around the home since he said that we were going to mainly stay at LA for stuff he had to do. I was just imagining who he was going to introduce to me since I was really eager on whatever happens.

From my backpack, I took my camera out and took a photo of the view from the backyard since it was really jaw-dropping.

That's when my dad scooped me into a hug from behind and also made me jump a bit since it was sudden and I had no clue for it at all...

"Hey, little photographer..." he said smiling. "I can tell you are into that thing, huh?"

I smiled and nodded to go along with it.

"You never know what you can get from it, you know? A lot of things takes effort and all of the photos I got and put on hopefully Instagram or Snapchat or anything like that will be perfect..."

My dad kept smiling at me, and I was just feeling a little more like his grip would literally protect me from the world, you know? Well, I guess you can only tell if he holds you.

"You want to go ahead and get ready so we can head out to a restaurant with the fam?"

I laughed when he said fam, so I agreed with and changed into this:

Once ready, we all headed out to this really good Italian place, and I have to say that eating at this place almost made me feel like a kid again

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Once ready, we all headed out to this really good Italian place, and I have to say that eating at this place almost made me feel like a kid again.

Legit, I was about to cry when they brought out the pasta I ordered and I almost seemed like drooling since my Uncle Scott dabbed my mouth with his napkin and laughed.

I almost forgot what I was doing, and dug into my food.

It was a mixture of happiness and other things prior to what was going on.

"So... Carly, I don't need to be rude, but can you tell me what happened with your real parents?" grandma asked me.

I swallowed my pasta and cleaned my mouth with the napkin and said "Well... It was starting with my dad passing away in a little incident that he did on 'purpose', which was never really because the other guy hit his car and did it on impact causing my dad to get serious injuries from it. My mom then became a widow and would really just not hardly speak for a good while and I felt a bit left out considering she never looked after me like how she used to. It's pretty messed in the head, but I was able to handle it when she told me something after the almost year incident and took me to the orphanage and dropped me off without a word and not even a goodbye."

Everyone was staring at me when I had said that, and I wiped my hand with my eye and added: "I haven't even heard no calls or anything from her ever since..."

"Oh... sweetheart," grandma said. "I'm so sorry to hear that..."

I smiled and looked at my pasta plate.

This. This was the plate that showed on rich they were... My parents hardly got anything like this only if their friends helped out, but who knows?

My dad really was concerned about me with his glance at me, and he said "You know... I heard that Carly's into photography."

The conversation picked up again and it all went well with everything.


It was already nighttime and I was outside with a different outfit at this time.

It was this if anyone was curious:

I was told that I was going to get a new camera, a phone, and a lot of clothes tomorrow

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I was told that I was going to get a new camera, a phone, and a lot of clothes tomorrow. I don't know what to expect but pure luck from this... I was just lucky to have this life now.

"Heyyyy," my dad said popping his head out of the sliding door to the backyard. "What'cha doin'?"

"Just looking at the sky at this time since I never really got to see a lot of what I saw today..."

"For reals?"

"For reals..."

We both looked at each other for a second, and then laughed pretty loudly to disrupt Uncle Scott's sleepiness.

"Oh... I forgot, there's no other room to sleep here, so you'll sleep with me, okay?" dad said.

I nodded and hugged him quickly after that. 

"What's this for?" he asked me.

"It's thanks from me for adopting me... I was just really wondering if I ever was going to be adopted or not..."

I felt my dad hug back and rested his head on mine, and he said: "You would've... I got the first ticket though, so be happy..."

I giggled into his shoulder, and he got up from the bench from outside and walked inside the house.

We got to his room from the family house and kept holding onto me until we got into bed. 

"Goodnight, sweetie..."

"Goodnight dad..."


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