8 - Scars Won't Fade

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After changing and meeting everyone, there weren't many people left around at all but it was also pretty late. We debated hanging out in the park together for a little while but it was almost eleven o'clock and none of us were really that bothered about staying out when it was getting cold anyway - especially Ashton and I after we'd hardly slept the night before. We decided just to meet up some other time as a group, so we all just headed back to the car park.

"Do you guys mind if I come home with you tonight?" Michael asked us quietly while looking over at Calum and Jasmine and Luke and Charlotte walking close together and holding hands. "I think Charlotte and Jasmine are staying round and I don't want to be a nuisance and get in the way of them all. Unless you don't want me to - I'm probably just being a nuisance and getting in your way, I'm sorry, I don't have to-"

"Mikey, we don't mind in the slightest, of course you can come with us," I interrupted him, smiling at him. He smiled back and stuck closer to us than the other four.

"I'm going with Ashton and Emily, so I'll see you guys tomorrow," Michael told them when we reached the car park.

"Okay, bye Mikey," Jasmine said before hugging him. The others said bye too, to us as well, and we went our separate ways. Charlotte and I were very close, but Jasmine had always been closer to Calum and Michael. Not that she didn't get on with the rest of us, of course, but she just spent more time with them (and, previously, Lucy). It made me feel guilty sometimes that she never really got included as much with Charlotte and me, especially now Lucy wasn't around, but she seemed happy enough and we always got along well when we were together.

Ashton was driving and usually I'd just sit in the front with him but that night I decided to sit on the backseat next to Michael and we chatted the whole way home. We also went out of our way to annoy Ashton, by purposely singing to the radio out of tune and yelling quotes from memes and vines. He looked ready to kill us both by the end of the journey and when we got out the car both of us ran to the house to get away from him. We forgot he had the keys though and had no choice but to stand and wait for him to unlock the door. But as he did, he held me tightly around my waist so I couldn't get away.

"Let me go," I laughed once the door was open and we piled inside.

"No way! You and Michael could have distracted me and gotten us killed, you know," Ashton said stubbornly but with a smile on his face.

"But we didn't!" I yelled, getting out of breath from laughing and trying to get out of his grip. It paid off though when I finally pulled his arm off me and I started to run away, but barely got far at all before he grabbed my hand and then held me off the floor with both arms around me, so I couldn't get away this time. He started walking through the living room and I grabbed onto the sofa to stop him going anywhere with me.

"Michael!" I shouted and straight away he grabbed both my hands to try and pull me back. He moved his arms up so we were holding each other around the shoulders and him and Ashton were basically in a tug of war with me.

"I don't even know what's going on right now but I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to do this to your girlfriend," Michael told Ashton.

"Says you! You're her friend and you're doing the same thing!" My stomach was now hurting from laughter and it only made it worse when Michael let go of me with one arm and started slapping Ashton, who did the same so they ended up having a girly cat fight. Even with a better and stronger hold, Ashton had me pulled out of his arm, probably because I was holding onto Michael, and we collapsed back on the sofa before giving each other a victorious high five.

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