25 - Never Enough

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"Happy Halloween!" Emily cheered, jumping inside the door at the band house and high-fiving Calum when he came to welcome us.

"Hey guys!" Calum replied brightly. "Ah, cool, are you Wonder Woman?"

"Yep! And Ashton is my sidekick," she answered.

"Um...Wonder Woman doesn't have a male sidekick, does she?"

"She does tonight," I sighed, stretching out the uncomfortably tight hot pants. Emily actually looked good - she had the little headband, red top and blue skirt, and even a little cape, which really suited her and made her look like she could genuinely be Wonder Woman. I, on the other hand, didn't feel quite so great, with my blue tights, red shorts and too-small, tight fitting blue t-shirt. I felt like the supermarket version of Superman, especially seeing as the cape was also too small and I couldn't wear it. Calum glanced down at the hot pants with a smirk, shaking his head at them and then winking at me.

"Nice package," he remarked.

"You keep your eyes to yourself," I ordered seriously, pulling Emily's cape in front of me as she laughed.

"Don't be too impressed, you know that interview when you had balls of paper in nappies?" she said to him and he nodded. "Same kind of trick."


"There's no fooling us, Ash, we've seen it all," Calum teased.

"That's it, I'm having a drink," I said, peering into the living room. As I did so, Michael appeared with a wide smile and two drinks in his hand.

"Hey guys!" he greeted us, handing me one of the cups. "Drink, Emily?"

"No thanks, I'll just have a soft drink," she replied.

"Aw, are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, someone's gotta drive us home right?" she pointed out. I was already a few sips into my drink so I realised she was right and nodded. Plus, she rarely drank much anyway, so I knew she would be just fine and still have a great time.

"What happened to your Woody outfit?" I asked Calum when I noticed he was dressed as some kind of zombie.

"I realised it looked stupid when I tried it on, so I had a last minute change. The host's gotta look good, right?"

"Man, Luke's gonna be pleased when he finds out he could have been Woody instead of Shrek after all," I chuckled.

"Oh, he is," he grinned, an evil glint in his eye.

It looked like the party was well under way and the living room was already a hot, dark mess. The walls were covered in spooky decorations, completely decked out with cobwebs and pumpkin lights and skeletons. There was even an almost life sized skeleton in the corner by the table, which had been pushed back against the wall and equipped with bowls of crisps, plates of mini rolls, selections of creepy themed snacks, cups stacked in front of bottles, all atop of a spider patterned tablecloth. Calum - who'd arranged it all himself, with a little help from Michael and Luke - had really outdone himself.

All the guests looked great, too. I recognised a few of them from Calum's old football team, some were cousins or other close family members, and others were people we'd worked with from time to time or just gotten to know from gigs or clubs or pubs. Then, in the corner by the table, stood All Time Low and You Me At Six, seeing as they were coincidentally over here touring currently.

"Calum, you didn't tell me they were going to be here!" Emily freaked out when she saw them.

"Who?" he wondered then gazed over and saw who Emily meant. "Oh, yeah! We didn't really announce it in case too many people found out."

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