16 - Trade a Lifetime

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Waking up without a splitting headache the next morning was certainly a blessing. I thanked the stars that I'd stopped the moment I started losing count and started drinking water instead, because otherwise I might have suffered with a lot more than just a faint headache that could be put right with a couple of tablets, which I got up and took within minutes before crawling back into bed. Besides, it looked like I would be needing my health to get Ashton through the day, because as soon as he woke up he rolled over and groaned, letting out a string of curse words.

"It's really attractive when you wake up and swear multiple times in a girl's face, you should keep doing it," I teased him and he pulled the duvet over his head while pushing my face away blindly with one hand.

"Stop talking," he complained.

"Mmm, oh my god, I'm so turned on by you right now - you really know how to treat a woman!" I carried on with a smirk as he groaned even louder. I reached and picked up the pack of tablets and glass of water I'd used from the side of the bed, then lifted the duvet a little and peaked under with a smile. At first I was granted a glare from Ashton for daring to let light get to him, but when I held forwards the painkillers and drink his expression became a lot more grateful.

"Thank you," he croaked, sitting up and taking it from me, wasting no time in getting it down.

"Want a nut, too?" I joked and he almost choked on his water.

"Do I want to what?" he asked in alarm and I laughed.

"You seemed pretty in love with nuts from the bar last night, I thought you might want more now," I explained and he scowled.

"I'm not sure I ever want to see those things again," he said miserably. "Besides, you can't talk much, Miss 'You know I've never had sex in a public bathroom before, maybe we should try it, but only if it looks clean and hygienic enough'."

"Stop!" I said, hiding my face behind my hands with a giggle. "I'm surprised you even remember that."

"I remember far too much, believe me," he sighed. "Including those two guys' rendition of All Star. That was just too much."


"SHUT UP!" he yelled as I started shouting it. He threw his pillow at me before diving back under the sheets and pulling them tightly over his head, but I still didn't stop. "Seriously, what do I have to do to make you be quiet?"

"Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming, fed to the rules and I hit the ground running, didn't make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb," I carried on, this time with hand actions as well. "So much to do, so much to see, so what's wrong with taking the back streets? You'll never know if you don't go, you'll never shine if you don't glow - HEY NOW, YOU'RE AN ALL-STAR, GET YOUR GAME ON-"

I was cut off abruptly by Ashton clamping his hand over my mouth and holding me still tightly with his other hand. He gave me the most unimpressed look ever, broken only by the smile he was fighting, and when I muttered 'only shooting stars break the mold' he lost it and started giggling. I grinned in accomplishment as he let me go, lying his head back down against me on the pillow he'd chucked.

"I don't know whether to hate you or love you right now," he said and I shuffled down a bit so I was closer to him.

"Me neither," I grinned and then leaned down to kiss him. As I pulled away my, now fully charged, phone buzzed and I reached over to pick it up from the bedside table to see a message from Luke.

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