45 - Keep Breathing

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Being 26 weeks pregnant is a lot more exciting than being 25 weeks pregnant. Likewise, being 25 weeks pregnant is a lot more exciting than being 24 weeks pregnant. Because with each week that you're pregnant, you're one week closer to not being pregnant anymore. Sure, it gets progressively more uncomfortable too, but it's all worth it. Because when you're not pregnant anymore, then you're a parent.

It had been 6 weeks since we last saw the baby, and 4 weeks since we moved into the band house. With 14 more weeks, supposedly, to go until I wasn't pregnant anymore, we were left with 14 weeks to prepare for the harder stage that is being a parent. I was still maintaining my routine of having naps in the afternoon after exercise and a walk every morning, and usually while I was asleep Ashton took the time to do various preparations. His most recent task had been painting the nursery, because as excited as the other three had been to help out they got bored after the first day of painting. We left it for a few weeks, neither Ashton or I having the motivation to spend our time painting either, but after deciding we really couldn't just leave it with one coat of paint Ashton got back to it.

He was painting with music on in the room next to me, so when I woke up from my nap I could hear it playing quietly through the wall. I spent a few minutes lying where I was, hugging my pregnancy pillow (which I'd decided I was keeping even after I'd had the baby - it was the most comfortable thing in the world) then decided to go and check up on him and see if he needed help.

I walked in to find him standing on a chair with his shirt off, his arms flexing every time he moved the roller. Luke was in there too, sat on the floor painting some drawings onto the wall that was already done, but he didn't notice me at first stood watching Ashton with a smirk. When he did, he grinned up at me and turned to Ashton.

"Your fiancée is drooling over you, you know," he said, his voice raised loud enough for Ashton to hear him over the music. He stopped and turned around, smiling when he saw me, and put the roller down as he climbed down off the chair.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked. He walked over and kissed me, and I nodded, poking his arms.

"I am now," I replied with a wink.

"You want me to carry on painting?" he giggled.

"I wouldn't complain," I said, shrugging, and he shook his head at me then turned around to carry on. "Do you guys want food or a drink?"

"Nah, we drank the last of our alcohol supplies the other night," Luke sighed and I stared at him.

"It's the middle of the afternoon, Luke. I meant a soft drink."

"Right. I knew that."

"I'll have some water since you're offering, please," Ashton requested, so I nodded and turned out of the room to go and get some.

Calum was sat on the kitchen counter drinking a cup of coffee and scrolling through his phone when I walked in, and started talking to me as I put a few things on a tray.

"What are you all doing up there?"

"Luke and Ashton are painting the baby's room."

"Can I help? I'm bored."

"Sure, if you want." I picked up the tray with a couple of glasses and a plate of biscuits on it and headed back up, Calum following behind me. He sat down on the floor next to Luke and picked up a paintbrush, painting some stars next to the lion Luke had (sort of) painted. I handed Ashton one of the glasses of water, then sat down on the floor and started sipping the other. We all chatted in between listening to the music, and the whole time I sat feeling the bump.

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