Chapter thirteen

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(1 year later..),, (Sorry for such a terrible cliffhanger and the big time jump.)

"Get down from the roof now!!" He yelled through the walkie

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Get down from the roof now!!" He yelled through the walkie.

"No! Let me just do this!" I argue back.

"No!" He responds with anger and worry in his voice.

Ignoring him I grab a stick grenade placing it in the center of the roof. 1 minute and this joint blows. I then go running towards the rope leading me down.

I felt a huge impact from behind me causing me to fall on the ground. Smirking I quickly stand to my feet. Facing me was a 6-foot guy, dressed in all black, facial hair and light blue eyes.

Smirking I pull my knives out spinning them around in both hands, taking a nice shot I threw one at his shoulder, he yelps in pain. Removing the knife he threw it back, in one swift motion I do a backhand spring dodging the weapon. Landing on all fours another man appears, I glance at the timer, 40 seconds left.

I look around my surroundings, one came after me putting me in a headlock. Taking all my strength I pull him over my shoulders breaking his grip, taking the chance I pull my gun out shooting him, blowing the smoke from my gun.

The other came towards me punching me in the jaw, I pull my hand up to my mouth feeling blood. 

20 seconds

Stalling him I charge back punching his jaw, he put up a good fight before I finally got him onto the ground. Pinning him to the ground, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. 


I quickly take my fists knocking him out,


Taking a run for the edge of the roof,


Reaching the edge I take a huge jump, grabbing onto the rope


Leaping through the air, I head towards the ground.


In no time I heard a huge explosion behind me, feeling the heat from the bomb against my back.

I hit the ground going into a somersault, picking myself up I move a strand of hair behind my ear. Panting I pull the knife out from my shoulder, gasping in pain.

"Maya!!" I hear someone from behind me, covering my bloody shoulder I walk over to the person.

"Hey." I pant, still covering my shoulder.

"You okay?" Jackson hugs me, burying his head in my neck.

"Yeah, just my shoulder," I say gesturing to my shoulder.

"Are you stupid?!, I said not to do that! I thought I almost lost you again?" Jackson yelled worriedly, pulling me into a kiss.

"I'm fine." I pull back rolling my eyes.

Ever since a year ago with the whole bridge incident, Jackson's been more protective over me. After I jumped he dove in to save me, I was unconscious and had to get stitches on the top left corner of my forehead. I stayed in the hospital for a week. The whole gang always came to visit me, and Jackson stayed in the room with me for a week not moving from his chair. After I was released I went to therapy for a few months, I was put on medication until I was better. Months later Jackson finally asked me to be his girlfriend and we've been together for the last 4 months now. I joined the gang and trained, and well here I am today, always going on the top missions with them.

"Yeah, you said that last year." He whispered, looking into my eyes. I just looked down,

"Come on." He said pulling me closer to him walking towards the gang jeep.

"Great job Maya!!" Lizzie clapped.

"Are you okay?!?" Emma gasped,

"Yeah I'm fine, your tips helped." I smile

She giggled doing tricks with her knives, "I knew they would." 

"You did alright for a newbie," Bud smirks, hopping into the Jeep.

Scott chuckles putting his arm around Lizzie. Bud has been nicer to me surprisingly.

"Let's get home and stitch that up," Jackson says kissing my cheek before getting into the driver's seat. 


Sorry it was so short, the chapters will go back to normal after this one

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