Chapter twenty-two

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(2-month later.. Sorry for the time skip, geez A LOT  is happening lololololololol)

Maya's POV

It's been 2 months now, the gang hasn't done anything crazy lately, we've been on the down low, I guess it's due to the relationships that are happening. Madison and Ty have gotten closer as well as Amelia and Bud. Aaron and Scott left for a vacation to New York for who knows what, Lilly met some girl from the bar named Harper, and has been hanging out with her lately. Jackson and I have been officially dating for a year now, I told him I didn't want to do anything, which is crazy right? But I just wanted to be with him for the day and that's all I ask for. Other then that, everything had been fine, I did, however, get checks ups at the doctors from my miscarriage, the Doctors said that I would be fine and could have children in the future.

"Ty!" I yell trying to get his attention, who was sitting on the couch with Madison.

"Yes." He says, pealing his eyes off the TV.

"Can you come here, I want to ask you something," I ask, waving him over to me.

"Ok. I know you're my best friend and everything but you're so annoying." He jokes, walking over to me.

"Oh shut up." I grumble pushing him, "Ok um.. can you give me a tattoo?" I ask hesitating.

"Ohh I know that look." He chuckles, crossing his arms.

"What look?" I ask rolling my eyes,

"The look you give when you don't want me to say no." He laughs.

"Just give me a tattoo," I mumble, rolling my eyes. He glances over to Madison, who nods giving him a signal of some sort.

"Um yeah sure, actually that's a great idea!" He announces, pushing me towards his studio. 

Lol? Okkk.

"So what do you want?" He asks putting his gloves on.

"Um, Jackson's initials on my wrist," I say, fiddling with my fingers.

"Really? Hmm." Ty says surprised, sitting in his chair. "Are you sure? Like absolutely sure. That's a big step, I mean HUGE step, are you sure you're sure?" He rambles waving the tattooing needle around.

"Ty, why do you have to be so dramatic, I'm sure. I've thought it through, and I'm ready.." I reassure him.

"Mkay." He responds, adjusting his self and setting up his tools, then connecting the inked needle onto my skin.



Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Alrighty. Done." Ty mumbled, inspecting the tattoo.

I sigh in relief, "Do you think he'll like it?" I ask nervously. 

"I don't know honestly." He says rolling his chair to the side, removing his gloves.

"Ok. Well thanks" I sigh. "I'm gonna go hang out with the girls," I say getting up.

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