Chapter thirty-one

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Maya's POV

Today was the day after 2 weeks of trying to bail Jackson out, we finally were able to. Bud pulled some strings and now we're on the way to bail him out.

"We're here Maya. Go get him." Bud smiles, parking the car. Jumping out, I run up to the entrance of the Jail.

The lady at the front desk looked up at me irritated. "Can I help you." She snarls.

"Um, I'm here to pick up Jackson Smith." I respond.

"Right. The gang guy who's been causing a lot of trouble." She rolls her eyes, giving attitude. 

"Sure.." I trail off, trying to contain my anger. I'm guessing it's a pregnant thing that I can't control my anger.

"So what are you exactly, his gangster girlfriend." She scoffs, gesturing to my piercings and tattoos.

"Listen here lady, I'm just here to bail him out. So if you piss me off, I will punch through this glass window and shove my fist up your throat, you got it?" I grit my teeth.

Her eyes went up in shock, and she hesitated quickly, "He's getting processed right now, he should be out shortly, go wait over there please." She then went back to work, typing away at her computer. I roll my eyes at her unnecessary attitude and walk over to the other side of the "lobby". I'm surprised she's that weak, considering she does work at a jail.

5 minutes later, the large, metal door unlocked, making a loud sound as it opened. Revealing Jackson, with two officers following closely behind him. They unlock his handcuffs, causing him to rub his hands. I run up to him giving him a big hug, he wraps his hands around my waist, squeezing me tightly.

The two officers dismiss themselves, (going through whatever they say after you bail someone out). 

"Hi, babygirl." He smiles, kissing my lips. "Your belly is getting bigger." He grins, rubbing it.

"I know, we have an appointment soon to know the gender," I say, he just replies with a grin.


"Dude you look bad." Ty grimaces.

"Well, I was in jail." He grumbles, cracking his knuckles.

"Oh, I loved those days." Bud, laughs.

"You've been in jail?!" Amelia exclaims.

"Duh, we all have .. we were in a gang, but he was always in jail." Ty busts out laughing.

"Yeah, and Ty got fucked there." Scott jokes.

Ty glares, "You sure that it wasn't you.", "Might've been." Scott says, trailing off.

"What?" Aaron says, jealousy.

"Just kidding." Scott nervously smiles.

"Jail was fun for me." Lilly grins.

"That's because you won every fight." Madison whines.

"Aww, my baby can't fight." Ty teases.

"Oh shut up, you got fucked." Madison rolls her eyes.

"But I didn't, oh my god." He exclaims.

"Jail isn't that great." Jackson rolls his eyes, "Unless.. you win fights." He laughed, making the other boys do some stupid handshake. I just roll my eyes.

"Maya, have you ever been in jail?" Ty asks, folding his hands. Everyone's eyes were on me.

"What? No." I say, which was a lie. I've been once, or twice, in juvenile when I was 16 but it wasn't my fault. 

"Lies." Jackson scoffs, "I can tell when you lie."

"It was once, or twice, I don't know, I was 16, I don't remember." I roll my eyes,

"Bad, ass!" Aaron said. I just rolled my eyes.

"Yea well, I don't talk about my 'bad side', that was years ago."

"But didn't you just kill someone the other week." Ty trailed off.

"Why are you always talking." I glare, "Ok, ok sorry Miss. Pregnant." Ty raises his hands in defeat.

Jackson busts out in a laugh, I get annoyed an get up to leave the living room. "Not so fast," Jackson calls, grabbing my waist and pulling me down. "I haven't seen you in forever, I want you to stay right here." He whines, like a little baby.

Amelia and Madison try to contain there "aw's" and annoying comments. There was a knock at the for interrupting the conversation. I walk to the door opening the door, I was in complete utter shock. 

"Mom?.." I gasp.


Plot twist!!

Sorry for not updating, i've been busy! but sorry for the short sucky chapter, I know nothing about jail so sorry for the probably inaccurate details I only know from shows and movies😂 

I have no idea where I'm taking this book, but from the looks of it, it will be a long book😂

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