Chapter twenty-eight

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Maya's POV

"Well I think we're all going to leave now. It's been a crazy two days!" Scott says smiling.

"Your leaving so soon?!" I exclaim.

"Yeah.. We've got a trip to Hawaii, flight leaves tonight." Aaron says, grabbing his suitcase. 

"Yeah we're hitting the road too." Lilly says, holding Addison. 

"It was nice meeting you!" Elena smiles, before grabbing their bags and leaving the house.

"Bye Auntie Maya!" Addison smiles, in her moms arms.

"Bye sweetie." I smile, kissing her forehead. "Youre all leaving so soon!" I guess it's not like the old days when we didn't have important lives to tend to.

"Well I'm staying!" Amelia announces, jumping onto the couch. 

"I can't argue, whatever my Princess wants she gets." Bud laughs, walking in. 

"BUDDY!" Addison yells, running up to bud.

"Hi babygirl." He smiles, kissing Addison's forehead.

"Can I stay with Buddy!" She asks, hugging him.

"No.. you'll see him in a few weeks." Lilly rolls her eyes, "I swear she's obsessed with you."

"Well who isn't" He cockily smiles.

"Well we're leaving! Bye guys!" Aaron announces before heading out.

"Bye!" Scott says, with his phone to ear.

"Bye!" Everyone says, as they exit.

"Love birds." Amelia smirks, after they leave.

"Well we've gotta go too.." Lilly says, picking up Addison. "I'll visit soon, call if you need anything." She smiles.

"Nice meeting all of you!" Elena smiles, before closing the door behind her.

"I should start writing some of my book that i'm working on.." Bud says, getting setup on the couch.

"Well I've got to leave." Jackson says, out of no where.

"Oh?" I say with surprise. "Where ya heading, I thought you were off. It's a Monday.."

"Yeah. I um got called in for another shoot, guess the pictures weren't good enough from last week." He trails off, checking his phone.

"Oh, uh okay." I smile.

"I love you." He grins, plant a kiss upon my lips.

"Love you too."

He then grabs his keys leaving, closing the door behind him. 

"Hm weird." Amelia says, switching through channels.

"I know. He's been distant lately.. always away doing stuff. But he's busy now so I guess it's fine." 

"Well how's the little guy in there?" Amelia smiles, gesturing to my stomach.

"Hungry." I laugh, heading to the kitchen.

"What's the name?" Bud asks, looking up from his laptop.

"Hm, I'm thinking Toby.. But I don't know yet."

"Aww so cute!" Amelia gushes, "Babeeee I want a baby!" Amelia cries.

"Uh. No." Bud says.

"But why!?" 

"There to much right now, you know i'm to busy in my career for a kid. I'd rather spend time with you." He says, typing at his laptop. Getting a grin from Amelia.

"Yeah.. I guess Jackson and I will be a little to busy, but I can work from home so it's not that big a deal." I say, eating my sandwich.


"So how was work." I say, as Jackson enters the house.

"Great. I got a lot of work done." He smiles. "Uh Bud come with me, I need to talk to you."

Jackson's POV

"What is it?" Bud asks, as I pull him into a random bedroom.

"I want to marry Maya." I smile.

"Really?! That's great!" Bud says.

"Yeah I know, I just got the ring. I've been really busy trying to get this ring perfect and I've been running around town for the past 3 weeks." I say smiling.

"Oh.. that's good. Because she thought it was something else."

"I figured.. I hate not telling her. But I might propose tomorrow.. Or this weekend." I grin.

"You love her." He smiles.

"I do."


Maya's POV

"What do you think their talking about?" I ask Amelia as we sit on the couch.

"No idea.." Amelia smirks, watching cartoon network. Such a kid.

Jackson and Bud come back out with grins on there face. I get up and walk towards Jackson.

"What was that about."

"It's a secret." He smiles, grabbing my waist.

"Which is..." I smirk.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret." He smirks, planting a kiss upon my lips.

The door then busted open startling everyone, "POLICE!" I hear a loud voice boom. Looking over I see four police officers in uniforms.

"Jackson Smith! Youre under arrest!" A strong voice yells.

"What?" I say, breathless.

One of the polices officers pull Jackson away. Bud quickly stood up to protest.

"What the fuck?!" He yells, "You can't do that!" He booms.

"Your under arrest for Murder, possession of illegal weapons, destruction of property and the selling and use of illegal drugs." The police officer says, placing the hand cuffs behind his back. "Anything you say or do may be used against you in a court of law."

Bud quickly looks at at my eyes, which are now watering up. "This is Bullshit! Who the fuck said he did any of that?!"

"We got a anonymous call. With proof, court date will be on April 8th."

"That's a month away! You can't keep him in jail that long!" Amelia yells, standing up.

"You can't do that!" I yell, running over to Jackson.

"Ma'am I'm going to ask you to step away right now." One of the officers say.

"No." I sternly say, wrapping my arms around Jackson.

"Baby, youre going to have to let go." I hear Jackson whisper in my ear." 

"But I don't want to." I cry in his shoulder.

"Let go." He whispers.

"I promise I'll get you out." I say, looking up into his eyes.

"Ma'am please step away." The same officer said, now with a annoyed face.

"I love you." Jackson says, as he gets pulled out of the house.

"I love you too." I say, now standing breathless in my living room, tears streaming down my face.

"I don't know who called in, everything we did got covered and sealed up years ago. Now one could know." Bud said, 

"I don't know either.." I whisper, still in shock.

"It was so random." He trails off.

"Babe. I'm sorry." Amelia says, giving me a hug.

"We'll get him out, I'm not letting them take him." Bud spits, "i'm going to make a few calls." He then left the room.

I felt my phone vibrate, signaling a text message. Taking out my phone I felt goosebumps travel up my arm.

"Now that no ones here to protect you, your all mine."

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