Chapter six

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"Jackson!!" I hear someone scream cutting our conversation off , I jump up from my chair following the screams that lead downstairs.

Jackson's POV

I run down the steps following by Ty and Bud. We reach the bottom of the stairs to see Maya pinned to the ground by a girl.

Ty tucks his gun away and starts busting out laughing.

"Who is she?!" A girl screams pinning Maya down.

"Yeah, you can take care of yourself alright. Lily calm down, it's just maya." I chuckle walking over to Lily.

"Who is Maya." Lily questions, still pinning Maya to the ground.

"Jackson's Girllllfrienddd."  Ty teases making kissy faces.

Bud hits him off the top of his head while I give him a death glare.

"Ow!" He whines.

"Oh my bad." Lily laughs getting up from off of her.

"I told her she was probably Jackson's girl." Another girl chimed in, Madison. "But she didn't listen." She chuckled.

Well the girls are back

Maya's POV

"I told her she was probably Jackson's girl." Another girl chimed in.

She had leather skinny jeans on, with armed weapons around her leg, with a black muscle T, her jet black hair was up in a high ponytail. She had tattoos up along her arm and a tattoo peeking out of her chest. She was really pretty, she had brown eyes, a perfect jawline, and rosy cheeks.

"But she didn't listen." She continued chuckling.

"Oh shut up Madison." The girl I hear to be called Lily, says hitting her upside the head.

Lily to was wearing the same outfit but she had a sniper wrapped around her back. Lilly had long dirty blonde hair that was wavy, she had dark eyes along with her high cheekbones.

"Can I have food now?" Another girl whined I look over to see a petite blonde walk into the house. She had long blonde curly hair with tattoos running along each arm. As well as the same outfit on, but with throwing knives running up her legs and different collections of knives here and there.

"Emma you're always hungry," Lilly complains rolling her eyes.

"You're all annoying," Bud says rolling his eyes while he turns to leave.

"Yeah well, you're an ass!" Lilly joked smirking,

He turns and glares at her, Lilly raises her hands in defense.

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