Chapter twenty-four

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"Wow," I say walking into the hotel room, it was gorgeous. "What about clothes?" I ask.

"The girls packed you some things," he said closing the door.

"Ok, I'm going to go change then," I say grabbing my bag from the bed.

"Wait, change into a swimsuit," Jackson said, grabbing my wrist.

"You call it a swimsuit?" I laugh, walking to the bathroom.

"Oh be quiet." He rolls his eyes chuckling.

I walk into the bathroom opening the bag, oh god. Of course, the girls do this to me, I dig through the bag all I saw was lace, and things that didn't cover anything. 


I did, however, find an all white bikini with the criss-cross pattern across the cleavage.

I threw the bikini on and stuffed the rest of my clothes into the bag and opened the bathroom, I didn't see Jackson around so I search around

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I threw the bikini on and stuffed the rest of my clothes into the bag and opened the bathroom, I didn't see Jackson around so I search around.

"Jackson?" I repeat until I hear him.

"In here." 

I follow his voice until It leads me into a candlelit room with the hot tub running, with rose petals in it. It had a gorgeous view of the city from the distance.

"You're so extra you know that. I love you." I smile, putting my hands on my hips.

Jackson was smiling, he was lighting the last candle until he looked up, "Damn. I'm going to say this once, so keep it in your memory." He smirks looking at me, "You look sexier than me." He laughs.

"I always am," I say walking towards him. I make a move as if I'm going in for a kiss but I dodge him and step into the hot tub. He whines like a little baby, gasping a bit from my action.

"You're such a tease." He whines.

I just shrug my shoulders, that is now covered in rose petals.

"So.." He said jumping in. "I've been thinking about something." He says pulling me in.


"I think the gang should end soon." he trails off, with a bit of unsureness. What he's saying is crazy, there's no way everyone else will feel the same. Everythings moving so quickly, and its only been about a year or two.

"What?? Why??"

"Because it's safer for all of us, we're all not the same anymore, we're all settling down. I mean we all used to be like hardcore and now we're only like that if we're mad."

"But that's what some of us practically live for though... Like Bud, Scott, and Lilly, I mean like all of us."

"I know.. but I think it's for the best." he sighs, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"I know you're not really ready to let it go. Jackson, you've been in this gang since you were 16, you can't let it go, and I honestly never thought I'd be sticking up for a gang, but you can't do it yet."

"I just think it's best, maybe I'll go to college or something." he laughs

"To do what?" 

"I wanted to be a lawyer when I was like 12," he says. "What did you want to be before you met me."

"I was going to Stanford for business so I could open my own shop. I wanted my own fashion line but you know." 

"Then continue, chase your dreams." He says grabbing my hands.

"I mean I did say I'd go when I'm 21... for a year off. But still, things have changed."

"Whatever you do just know I'll always love you." He smiles, kissing me.

I sit on his lap as he continues to kiss me. Things got pretty heated quickly.

He started kissing me grabbing onto my waist, his kisses started trailing down from my jaw and onto my neck. I roam my hands all over his body brushing my hands through his hair.

(Skip, we all know what happens)

-back at the gang house-

"So did you guys have funnnnn?" Lilly smirks.

I glance at my phone, 10 am, "You seriously waited up for us."

"We all did," Madison said coming from nowhere with Ty.

Amelia came in with Bud, Along with the rest of the gang.

Jackson's POV

"So I have to talk to you all," I say sitting down on a chair.

Everyone's attention was turned to me, with concerned expressions written all over their faces

"I think we should end the gang.." I spit out, getting it over and done with.

"Really???" Ty asks, 

"Ok." The girls say in unison. Bud just kind of shrugs and goes back to talking to Amelia.

"Wait that's it??" I say in shock.

"Yeah. I mean we all know we've kinda drifted from the gang shit." Bud smiles, wrapping his arm around Amelia.

"Yeah, we're all settling down, dating and stuff. We all want a real future with the ones with love." Madison smiles, holding Ty's hand.

"I don't care, I have food." Emma rolls her eyes, stuffing her mouth with chips.

"It's for the better." Lilly blushes, as she's texting someone.

I can't believe they don't mind, I thought everyone would be mad and go crazy.

"We're home!" I hear someone yell, busting through the door.

I turn to see Aaron drop his suitcase with Scott coming behind him smiling. They both looked a little too happy walking in.

"We have to tell you guys something." I say.

"Ok." They both say.

"We're ending the gang.." 

"Really?" Scott asks, crossing his arms

"Yeah.", "Ok, I don't mind," Aaron says,

"Wait so you all seriously aren't bothered about this?" I ask confused.

"Yeah I mean it was gonna happen some time right." Lilly says, still looking down at her phone smiling. Everyone else agreed. 

"So can I get onto my news." Aaron says smiling. Looking anxious.

"Yeah." We all say turning to him.

"Scott and I are together." He smiles, grabbing his hand, while Scott just smiles.

"Seriously!!??" Lilly screams, "Yayyy I'm not the only gay one." She laughs.

"Didn't see that coming," Ty mumbled, "I did." Bud rolled his eyes smiling. "I know things."

"Aww that's great!" Maya smiles.

"I'm happy for you two, but like I'm kinda shook." I laugh. "So no ones weirded out.?" Scott asks.

"Nope." Everyone says in unison.

"Well, I guess it's settled then. Goodbye to the gang." I smile, grabbing Maya's hand.

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