Chapter Four

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               Mackenzie's POV
"Ok ok, you have to tell me what he's like!!!"Beth said with a glint of a smirk on her face. We were at the local coffee shop, sipping lattes and just hanging out. "He's really nice,loves horses, and has a little brother and sister, twins." I said in reply. "Ugh. I bet he doesn't get much sleep at night." Nova said. "Well actually they're thirteen, so the only no sleep probably comes from her talking to her friends or boyfriend." I said. "Ohhh" both of my friends said in unison.
"So, you gonna make a move?"(got that line from a friend) Asked Nova, from out of nowhere. "What?!?!?" I said super surprised. "Dude, she's right, if he's as cool as he sounds, and if he's coming to our school, you better get him while you can. " Beth agreed with Nova. I couldn't admit it, but they might be right. "I mean has anything happened? You have been hanging out like, almost ALL the time.", Beth asked, and Nova nodded. "A few blushy moments, but nothing really." I replied.
  And for the next two weeks, nothing did. But then I was wrong.
             Two weeks later
                 Blake's POV
Man. I can't wait to see her. I'm going over today, to do the usual with Mack, fish, race horses (still haven't beaten her tho), and look at the stars. But i think I'm ready to make a move. God. I'm scared. How do I even go about this?!? Do I hold her hand first, or go for IT (kiss)? No, not kiss. Just hold hands maybe. "BLAKE!HOW COULD YOU!!" Screamed my little sister, Lindsay. Oh yeah, I forgot I kinda called her "boyfriend" and told him to him careful with my sister. Hahaha. "I CAN'T HELP IT THAT I'M LOOKING OUT FOR YOU!" I yelled back at her. Mom came in and said to me "Stop picking on your sister Blake, this her first boyfriend, and you know it!" She scolded,but I was a hint of a smile.
I walked out of my room laughing, and then yelled to my dad,mom,sister,and brother: "I'M GOING TO MACKENZIE'S" "oooooo gonna go see your girlfriend??" My little brother Aaron singsonged to me. I made a face at him. "I don't care about your love life Blake....oh wait you don't have one." Lindsay said to me. "Have fun sweetie" My mom said sweetly to me.  
                At Mackenzie's house
                     Blake's POV
I pulled into Mr. Daniel's driveway, and saw Mackenzie ride down on her favorite horse Toby. "Hey Blake" she said. "Hey Mack" I replied. "Ready to race?" She smirked. "Well I kinda have to get out of my truck first." I smiled at her, and did I just see her blush?
  I got out of my truck and walked up to the horse pen, following Mackenzie on her horse. I whistled and down the horses came.
         Montagey thing
We raced (i won!), then we fished, my dad,brother,and sister came over. Then she begged Mackenzie to help her fix her hair for a date with that boyfriend and Mack of course did. After my sister left, and we had dinner me and Mack went out and sat at (As I like to call it in my head) 'Our Spot'.
              Mackenzie's POV
Me and Blake walked out to 'Our Spot' as I like to think of it only in my head though. We sat down and looked at the stars like we do almost every time he comes over.  Then we started to talk. "So...whats going on in your life right now?" He asked me. "Oh nothing much, hanging with my friend's and this new boy." I smiled. "Oh, wait your talking about me right?" He asked. "Dude lol really? Did you just ask that? Duh it's you!" I said. "Oh just checking" he said. I smiled in the star and moon light. Then we laid back down and we were quiet. "Hey, so when do you see your mom, Mack?" He asked me. Well. I didn't want to talk about this. My mom died, when I was like 10. In a car crash. "Ummm, well I don't see her, she died a few years ago" i said getting a little choked up. Don't cry!!! I told myself. "Oh, gosh I'm so sorry Mackenzie!!! I didn't realize." He said, while sounding concerned. "Oh it's fine." I replied, "I guess I need to talk about it at some point. That's why I like hanging out with your mom so much, cause I don't have one." I sad- smiled(if that's a thing) Then Blake was silent. Did I just make him feel bad. I didn't mean to. Dang. (Silence for a little bit.)
    And then, I felt something on my hand. Hold on wait, it was a hand. It was Blake's hand. Is this really happening? This hasn't happened to me before. But I liked it. So, I held hands back.
  And then we just laid there, looking at the stars, and holding hands. And I wonder if he was blushing as crazily as I was.

        End of Chapter Four.
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