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                  2 Years Later
                  Mackenzie's POV
Man. First Day of college. High school went by so fast. I thought. I was walking to orientation, or my first day of college. I saw Nova (she was going to the same college as me. So was Blake, Beth went with Luke to another college) "heyy Mackenzie!" She yelled out to me. "Nova!" I yelled to her. I broke into a jog and ran into her to hug her. "Wow ok, that's a lot of human contact" Nova said making a scared face. "Sorry, I haven't seen anyone I know all day. You heading to orientation?" I asked her. "Yeppers. Wanna walk together?" She answered. "I mean I was gonna walk with you anyways, so yeah." I said smiling. Along the way we met up with Blake and the routine that happened with Nova happened with him, except he loved my hug (and my kiss *blushes*). The three of us walked to orientation and found seats in the big building. We had a few minutes so I decided to call Beth.
       "Hey Beth! What's up?"
"Nothing. Actually I'm sitting here waiting for orientation to start."
   -In the background- "Hey is that Mackenzie?" "Yes Luke" -Back to phone- "Hi Mackenzie" "Hi Luke how are you?" "I'm good. How's it down there?" "Oh it's good. We're waiting for orientation like yall." "Well Bye Mackenzie" "Bye Luke"
    "Hey girl, our orientation is about to start so I gotta go.  Love ya!" "Bye Beth"
        Our orientation was about to start too, so I put my phone away. I snuggled up to Blake and got ready for the rest of our lives to start. Starting with this orientation and this new place with new friends and new adventures. And I thought, hey I guess Blake and my' s summer going wasn't really a fling.
                  ~the end~

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