Chapter Five

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            Mackenzie's POV
Wow. I thought as I went up to my room. I had just told my dad goodnight, and Blake had just left. I just held hands with him. A move has been made. But...not by me. He likes meee!!!! I flopped down on my mattress and smiled. And smiled. And smiled.
Could this Summer get any better?
           Blake's POV 
I just held hands with Mack. And she didn't pull back, she just laid there and we held hands. I opened the door to my house and practically floated in. "Hey weirdo what's with the smile?" Lindsay asked. "Nothing" I said as I smiled even bigger. "Ok. Yeah. Tell me." She said with determination in her eyes.
"Ugh. Fine. " I said giving up.
"Yeah! I won." She smirked "Ok. You can't tell a soul." I said.
"Fine, I'm sure it's boring anyway." She replied
"Ok....i held hands with Mackenzie. " I said, and just saying it made me smile.
"SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE" she said out of nowhere. "MY SHIIIIPPPP!"
"What does 'SQUUEEEE' and 'MY SHIIPPP' mean Linds(her nickname only I called her)?"
"Um it means I've wanted you two together forever and it just happened that's what!" She said still smiling super big.
"Oh. Oh!?! Really?" I asked.
"Yeah. I've seen how you look at her, and I've seen how she looks at you. This was bound to happen." She said matter-of-factly. I laughed, and she smiled at me, that was the thing about me and Lindsay, even though she had a special bond with Aaron, her and I have a special bond too. She gave me a hug, and said "goodnight Blake, love you." "Goodnight sis, love you too." I said.
        Mackenzie's POV
After I took my shower I obviously Facetimed Nova and Beth.  "So, something interesting happened tonight.." I paused for just a second. "Well dang it spit it out!" Nova said. "Ok dang" I said, "Well me and Blake sorta held hands tonight." I said awaiting they're responses. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH" Beth and Nova screamed in unison. And then I couldn't help it. We all screamed together. "This. Is. So. Amazing." Beth said, when we could breathe from screaming so much. "Ok. When is the first date then?" Nova said getting straight to the point as always. "Well I don't know. And isn't that a little forward." I said. "Yeah" Beth agreed. "Tha-" I tried to say thanks but Beth cut me off "Besides we have to meet him first Mack. We are like your parents." We all laughed. "Ok, I'll talk to him about meeting you guys. Goodnight y'all"I said not even hiding the smile that had been tugging on my lips all night. "Byeeeeeeeeee" Beth and Nova said.

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