Chapter Eight

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                 Mackenzie's POV
"Okay so.....lets get on with this, Blake and Me want to date." I said, surprisingly confident. "Well ok then, someone's anxious"Nova laughed and smiled at me. "Yeah, I agree with Mack." Blake  smiled at me and I smiled back at him and we both blushed. "Well let's get down to business then." Beth said.
"Ok so Blake we do 3 questions before we decide whether or not you two can date." Nova said. "Alright let's do this!" Blake yelled. "Ok, first question, how many girlfriends have you had?" Beth asked. "Ummm, 2" Blake answered "But it was never serious, they never even met my parents." "Ok, second question, when did you start dating?"Nova asked. "13. Was when I had my first girlfriend" Blake said. "Ok, what is your favorite thing about Mackenzie?" Beth asked then, she whispered in my ear, "if he says something about your body then we may have a problem." Blake answered:" I love how she knows so much about animals and nature." I smiled, i think he passed!!! I thought to myself. "Alright Blake me,Mack, and Nova are going to deliberate about this situation." Beth said. We all walked outside into the sunshine.
                 Blake's POV
Ok, now to wait. This is so weird, I have to get permission from her friends. I wonder if I have to get permission from her dad too?I thought to myself. "Hey, Blake right?" Garston the waiter said. "Hey Garston" I said. "You nervous? I would be." He said. "Well, thanks. I guess." I said kind of sarcastically. "Well, I could hear y'all, and it sounded like you did good." Garston said reassuringly. "Thanks, for real this time man." I said. "No problem." He answered. "Alright dude I gotta go, nice meeting you." Garston said. "Bye, nice meeting you too,man." I said in reply. Man...they are taking a long time. This is so stressful!!! I thought to myself.
                Nova's POV
"Alright girls. Have we made a decision?" I asked them. "Yes. You and Blake can date. You guys have passed our test, but you still have to pass your dad" Beth told Mackenzie. "But still YYYYYYAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!" Mack said, as happy as all get out.  She must really like that boy, I've never seen her so girly. "Alright y'all ready to go back inside? I know Mackenzie is!" Beth said. "I'm gonna have a boyfriend! I'm gonna have a boyfriend!" Mackenzie singsonged as she danced inside. That retard. I thought as we all walked inside.
           Mackenzie's POV
I can't believe it!!!! He made it through the hard part. Surprisingly my dad isnt the hard part of me getting a boyfriend. If he knows Beth and Nova approve then he's good.
I walked up to Blake and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and I beamed. He nodded his head, and i beamed even brighter. Then he stood up, and he took me in his arms and spun me around. He put me down and right in front of everyone (blush) kissed me. Sigh. Best boyfriend ever. This happened so fast, but I don't care!! We pulled apart and looked around, everyone at the coffee house started applauding. Me and Blake started smiling and laughing. Then we sat down back at our seat, Blake paid. Such a gentlemen! I thought. We all walked out of the coffee house.
           At Mackenzie's house
                  Blake's POV
Me and Mackenzie drove back to her house, me in my truck and her in her's. I pulled into her driveway, and she pulled in behind me. After parking, we linked hands and walked up to her house. She and I walked in the house and her dad was sitting at the table eating a sandwich. He saw us and almost dropped his sandwich. "Mackenzie?" He asked with a quizitive look on his face. "Dad." She said. I couldn't do anything, I just saw his look and kept my mouth shut. I thought this was the easy part?!?! I thought. "What. Are. You. Two. Doing." He said getting mad. "Dad, before you get mad, I'll-" Mack was cut off "No! Let me tell you!" Her father said. "I thought you said there was nothing going on! Mackenzie Vivian McGaughey did you lie to me?!?!" He said his voice shaking. "Dad, I couldn't tell you. I mean, the reason we went to the coffee house was to get permission from Nova and Beth. You told me that if they were ok with who I wanted to date, then you would be ok with him too." She answered, determination filling her eyes. "But....him?" Mr. Daniel asked. "Yes dad, what's wrong with him father?" Mackenzie said getting mad now. "He's, well he's, um. He's well." He trailed off. "Mack, he's okay. He's okay Mack." Mr. Daniel said, looking defeated but, actually kind of relieved. "Dad, wait.....really?" Mackenzie said hopefully. "Ye-" he hesitated.
"Yes, it's okay."
"It's okay?!?!?! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!" Mackenzie said, running toward him and jumping into his arms and hugging the life out of him. "Mack, your welcome." He smiled. "Now um, Blake." He said turning towards me. "Yes sir." I replied. "I need to talk to you." He said. And then all of the happiness in the room was sucked away. Well, here goes nothing.  I thought as we walked out.
               Mr. Daniel's POV
I had to give him the talk. No not like the real talk, just the be careful with my daughter talk, like my father in law gave to Lillian( this is Mack's mom btw).
Don't think about that Daniel. You've never cried. Only twice, Mack's birth and well...that other time. We were outside. "Alright Blake, let's get this done with. When I went out with a girl, I got this too." I said. "Yes sir. " He said, super nervous. Ha I love it when they're nervous. "Look, if you make her cry, you're dead. If you cheat on her, your dead. If you break up resonably, then I'll accept it. I think I'm a fair guy, but she's my little girl Blake. Don't hurt her." I said. Man, that was good. Good job Daniel. "Yes sir. I care about your daughter very much. I'm very sorry we didn't talk to you first. I can see why you got so angry." Blake said. "Oh, actually that is how it's normally happened, well that's how it would be normally, Mack hasnt had a bunch of boyfriends actually." I said. "Well, I haven't had a lot of girlfriends." Blake said. "Well, that's all I got man." I said, kind of relieved it was over, he was looking super nervous but relieved too. "Just, take care of her. Please." I said almost crying for some reason. Remember what we thought earlier, NO CRYING!! I told myself. "Yes sir, I absolutely will."
And unlike the other boys she's dated, I actually believed him.
    Later at Mackenzie's house
              Mack's POV
"Dad thank you so much for being so understanding. I really appreciate how much you trust me and my friends. And my new boyfriend, boyfriend,boyfriend. Ahhh I like the sound of it. Has a nice ring. I thought to myself then I smiled. "Well, Mack. I actually want to tell you something." My dad said, looking nervous. "Yeah dad, you know you can tell me anything." I said. "Well...Ive been on dating apps-" i cut him off. "WHAT!?!? YOUVE BEEN ON DATING APPS!?!" I freaked out. "But that's not all.... I met someone"(lol you know those Match commercials😂😂)
He said, kind of bracing for impact. I couldn't even talk.
      End of Chapter Eight
Thank you guys for reading. This will be the last chapter for like a week, I have to get my phone's speakers repaired. I might be on, on something else but idk. So thank you guys for reading. Please vote and comment!!! Byeeeeeee!❤❤❤❤❤

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