Chapter Twelve

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                 in his truck
                Blake's POV
I was in my truck driving over to Mackenzie's house. And I was so freaking nervous. She said she wanted to talk to me. I wonder what it is? Is she breaking up with me? Is she telling me something me? I thought freaking out again.  Ok...calm down. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. I pulled into Mackenzie's driveway and I already heard the dogs barking. I saw Mackenzie out on the porch with a magazine and an iced tea. I parked and got out of my truck. I walked up to the porch. She stood up and pecked me on the cheek. "Hey Blake!" She said to me. "Hey darling. What's up?" I said to her. "Oh, umm actually do you want to go to Our Spot?" She asked me. Since us was 'Official', Our Spot became official as well. "Yeah that sounds good." I said to her. She went inside to go get me a thermos like hers for iced tea. After that we walked hand in hand down there.
             Time skip to the spot
We sat down in the grass and she put her head in my lap. I looked down at her and she looked up at me, we smiled, but she kinda looked sad. "Well, what's up?" I said. "Umm, well....just don't freak out." She said to me. "Ok." I said getting worried. "Well, I have something wrong going on medically." She started to explain, but was hesitant in explaining. "Mackenzie! What is it!?! Sorry you said not to freak out." I apologized. "It's...ok." She said sighing. "So, it's head trauma. I got it that night...."she trailed off. "What night are you talking about?" I had no idea what she was talking about. ", mom, mom!" She started yelling and sat up. I immediately pulled her close to me. And rubbed her dirty blonde hair. "Mackenzie, mackenzie, mackenzie" I said soothingly to her. She started crying. I held her to me with one hand, and with the other I called her dad.
                "Hello? Blake?"
                "Mr. Daniel, Mackenzie she told me something, about her medical, thi-"
"What's wrong with telling me? Oh wait. This is what's wrong."
                Same place and time
         Mackenzie's POV
"Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom." I said over and over. I rocked back and forth. Some one was holding me, or something was happening to me. I closed my eyes and everything went black.
          In Mackenzie's bed
I opened my eyes slowly and everything came into focus. I saw two people hovering over me. As my mind cleared I saw dad and Blake. "Hey, Mackenzie. How ya feeling." My dad said to me. He was dabbing my head with a warm washcloth. "Ok" I stuttered. "Mack, I'm so glad your ok!" Blake said to me with worry in his eyes. "I guess I'm ok" I smiled weekly to him. I touched my hand to my head as a headache came over me. I started to remember what happened. Me trying to tell Blake. Shouting mom's name. How many times? I wondered. And then everything going black.Well, I guess he knows about it. I thought to myself. I heard a pounding in my head. Wait. No. That was footsteps on the stairs. I turned my throbbing head and saw Nova and Beth looking at me with worried but relieved expressions on their faces. "Hi Mack" Nova said to me. "How ya doin?" She asked. "I'm ok." I answered with a weak smile. Beth took the opposite approach. "What do you need? Chocolate?, tv?, anything? Tell me woman!!" She yell-asked me. I let out a small laugh, but even that made me hiss in pain. She's done that before and I guess it's just how she reacts, and it's funny. "I'm ok. But some chocolate ice cream wouldn't hurt." I looked at her and smiled. "ON IT!" She yelled and she ran downstairs.
                  An hour later
Everyone had left. Well, except Blake. I felt a little bad I must've scared the crap out of him. He just sat there holding my hand. I was watching tv and of course eating my ice cream. I decided to break the awkward silence. "Blake... I'm so sorry about today. I just wanted to tell you, I just trust you. You've become such a great friend of mine, along with my boyfriend. I just wanted you to know." I said to him apologetically. "Mackenzie, really? Your apologizing to me? This isn't your fault. I love that you had enough trust in me to tell me." He said to me.  I smiled at him. "So, your not gonna laugh at me?" I asked him.
           Flashback- first day back from the accident Mackenzie is in 4th grade

           I felt dizzy, and started swirling around in my chair. Then it was black. I woke up on the floor to see many faces looking at me. They were laughing. I sat up slowly. Nova and Beth made their way to me and Nova punched a few people to get to me Beth helped me up and got me to my seat. Of course the teacher wasn't there. I felt fine for the rest of the day. But for the next few years it kept happening and every time they laughed. Every time.
"Are you gonna leave me?" I asked him. Thinking about you my wonderful ex. Ugh. I thought. Thinking the 'wonderful' part very sarcastically. "Leave you?Laugh at you? Why would i- oh." Blake said, then he realized what I had been through. "Mackenzie I would never do that. Your amazing and everyone has something, heck I do too." He smiled at me. "I'm guessing that's for another day?" I asked smiling. "Yeah." He said. "Good. I don't think I could take anything else." I said to him. I felt my self getting sleepy. So many side effects I freaking hate these. I thought while slipping into my slumber. Before I went to sleep Blake leaned down and kissed my nose, then my head. "Goodnight beautiful. I'll call you later." He said to me, smiling. "Goodnight Blake" I said. With that I closed my eyes. The world became dark once more, but this time it was peaceful.

HOWDY! I hope you guys liked the chapter!! I hope this isn't getting too sad or anything, happy times are coming. I just thought adding something like this would add drama or something lol. But thank y'all for reading!! And please vote and comment! Love ya! Byeeee😊😊

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