Chapter Thirteen

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                  At the mall
             Nova's POV
I was walking in the mall, on the way to the food court, to meet him. I got to the food court, ordered my fro-yo from Menchies and sat down at a table. He should be here any minute. I thought. Just as I finished the thought he came and sat down across from me. "Hey you." He said as he smiled at me. "Hey to you, Calum." I said smiling and blushing. "I'm glad we could meet up, I shouldn't have to go a full week without seeing my girlfriend." "I agree. I shouldn't have to go this long without seeing my boyfriend." I said. He grabbed my hands and we stared at each other in that goofy way that couples do. I started feeling bad though, Mackenzie and Beth don't even know about him! It's just... they wouldn't approve. He's in college! And I'm only 16. I decided to not worry about it now. We talked and talked. After about an hour-a glorious hour- he stood up and I stood up as well. We walked out of the mall hands interlocked and both of us smiling. Thankfully no one knew that he was a freshman in college and I was 16, or else he would get into trouble with the law. He walked me to my car and we hugged each other tightly, when we pulled back I kissed him. After about 30 seconds we broke the kiss, we looked at each other and smiled. I blushed a little because our noses were  touching. I got into my car and he walked to his. *sigh* He's so cute. I just wish it was legal for us to date.2 more years. 2 more years. I thought to myself.
          In Calum's Car
             Calum's POV
I was driving away from the mall and Nova. I wish she was 18 or I was 16. I feel so bad, we have to hide our relationship from people who know us, like not in public because they don't know us but, her best friends, my best friends, our parents....everyone. I turned on the radio and(AN don't hate me for how cheesy this is) me and Nova's song came on:

I always thought of her when it came on. With that song blasting and me singing along, I drove back to my dorm to get back to my homework.
               At Beth's house
                  Mackenzie's POV
"Hey BEETTTHHHH" I screamed as I plopped down on her sofa. "MACKENZIE? IS THAT YOU?" Beth yelled back at me. "YEAH! COME DOWNSTAIRS" I yelled back at her. "OK BE THERE IN A MINUTE!" I have a key to her house, so I just randomly come by. We've been friends for so long, so her house is mine. My house is hers. And of course Nova's house is our house too. I laid down on the sofa and grabbed the remote, I turned on Netflix and looked until I found The Bold and the Beautiful, Beth and mys(AN I forgot how this part should be worded so excuse me if I'm wrong) favorite show. I heard her come out of her room and go into the kitchen. A few minutes later she came in with a tray of popcorn and two cokes. I sure do know how to pick friends don't I. I thought to myself. "Hey hey." Beth said, not yelling this time. "Hey to yourself. I wasn't doing anything so I figured we could catch up on B & B." I said to her. "Awesome thought, I was actually gonna call you and ask if you could come over.... Man were mentally connected!" Beth said and we laughed. We got comfortable on the couch, and our first of many episodes was almost complete when my phone rang. It was Nova.
        "Heyyyy Nova, what's up?"
          "I was wondering if you were busy?"
    "Nope me and Beth are watching B&B at her house actually. You wanna join us?"
"Oh that would be awesome! See ya in a bit!"
                  Nova's POV
I decided to tell them..... but I don't know if this is a bad idea. Nova, these are your best friends. You were practically born with them. They know secrets that no one else knows and ever will know. I think it'll be ok. I was stopped from my thoughts as I had to change lanes. I am super serious when I drive, I'm about to turn 17, but I still get crazy nervous. Even though it was only 1:00pm, I still drove like most people drive at night. I listened to music and mentally pumped myself up for telling them about Calum. After about twenty minutes I pulled into Beth's driveway. I got out of my car and walked up to her door, I went in and saw them on the couch stuffing there faces with popcorn, there was some on the floor, which I guess came from them throwing it at the TV. What did Gwen do this time? I thought while laughing. "What's so funny?" Mackenzie asked me looking 'mad' but I knew she was joking. "You two and the popcorn which I'm guessing you threw at the TV." I smirked at her. "Maybe we did...maybe we didn't." Beth said defending themselves. "Yeah right, I'm sure you didn't." We laughed. I plopped my stuff down on the floor and sat in between them on the couch. Mackenzie went into the kitcen and a few minutes later came out with more popcorn and a coke for me. She gave me the coke: "You know me so well" I said my hand touching my heart. "I sure do!" She said smiling. "Shut up you guys. Get a freaking room!" Beth said joking with us. We stuck our tongues out a her. For about two hours we binge watched TV. My phone went off and I saw a text message from Calum,
        "Hey beautiful I just wanted to say I had a great time, I love you so much my Super Nova."
      Yes that is what he calls me. (AN and yes I am awful at nicknames) 
    I smiled down at my phone, and Mackenzie saw me. Shoot I'm done for now. "Watcha smiling for Nova?" She asked me. "You gotta boooyyyyyfrrrieeend?" She asked dragging out the 'boyfriend'. "Umm can we turn off the TV, I'm sensing that you need to tell us something." Mackenzie said looking at me. Beth turned of the TV and they looked at me. My heart started racing. "Well, ummm... I-i do have one." I said stuttering. "YOU DO!!! HOW LONG! TELL ME EVERYTHING!" Mackenzie said as she was bounced on the couch. "Mackenzie, chill out." Beth told her. "Well, who is it?? Do we know him??" Beth asked me  "Probably not... He's kinda in college." I said, wincing and waiting for their reactions.

AHGGGH CLIFFHANGER! Will they be mad? Or supportive? What will happen. The mystery tho... lol I'm so weird. 😂😂😂
Ok getting serious: Thank you guys so much for reading! I can't believe I'm already on Chapter 13 it's crazy!!!! Hope you guys have a great day and stay awesome like y'all all are! Please vote and comment!! Byyyyeeeee!!!❤❤(so many exclamation points in this outro. 😒😂😂)

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