chapter 6

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Shindou's pov

I was having my morning tea as a maid entered my room. "Young master, your friend is here to see you" she said as I told her to let him come inside my room.

"Kirino, good morning, shouldn't you be at the club" I asked as he smiled. "Today, practice is not................... Things happened and practice got cancelled." He said as I noticed his worried face.

"What happened" I asked as he looked at me. "I'll tell you all about it but before that how is your legs" he asked me. "Ahhhhhh, it's healing quickly, I maybe able to walk now but soccer is still forbidden for me" I smiled as I answered.

"I see, then good. Shindou, there's something I want to tell you" he said as he looked at me seriously. "Yesterday we all went to visit tsurugi"

"Ahhhhhh how is he" I asked drinking my tea. "he's doing fine but we asked him 'how did he fell from the cliff' and.................. someone pushed him, a girl or that's what we think was biting tsurugi down the cliff. Goenji-san saw it and....... Tsurugi is........ He passed out yesterday" he said looking down as I was really shocked.

"What do you mean" I asked him as he looked at my panicked face. "Hey it's ok, calm down. We are looking after him so he won't get hurt. Not anymore. I just wanted to tell you what we learned, that's all" kirino calmed me down.

Then a maid entered as she brought a cup of tea on a tray. She came near kirino as she fell and the tea wet Kirino's clothes. "I'm so sorry, please forgive me" the maid started to apologize as kirino swept drop.

"Done worry, it fine" kirino said as I told the maid to go out of the room. "Sorry about that kirino, you can take a shirt from my closet and wear it" I said as I gave him a shirt.

"Thanks shindou, now where can I change" he asked as I looked at him. "You can change here, we are both boys" I said as he started to blush. "What are you talking about shindou, no way" kirino was blushing to the max.

"It's just the top, so" "no way" kirino cut my words as I was really surprised. What's his deal?

"Fine, go to the room next to this" I said as kirino went. "And take a shower" I shouted and throw him a bottom too.

He catches it and left the room. I was so confused of the way he just acted. I heard him coming out of the shower as I couldn't take it. I just had to see what he was hiding.

Is it a wound, a scar or is it just because he's a shamed. I slowly opened the door to the other room as I saw kirino wearing the bottom but not the shirt.

I was so shocked of what I just saw. It was neither a wound nor a scar. He was.......was..................a girl, what the. My face began to heat up, was I blushing. Her wet pink hair was covering her back as she slowly put on the shirt. I was on fire, I quickly closed the door and ran to my room.

I was on my bed under the blanket. No way, kirino is a girl but how. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is so confusing. I was rubbing my head like a crazy person as someone knocked at the door.

"Shindou, I'm done" kirino said as I freaked out. "Ahhhhhhhhhh, kirino I think you should go home, please I'm not really feeling well today. Why can't you come up with a better excuse, stupid shindou? I'll talk to you some other time. Any day but please not today.

"Ok, its fine. I gust I'll came another day" kirino said as he went out of the house.


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