reunion(chapter 21)

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Tsurugi's pov

I was staring at the girl as she started walking away. She wor a long black dress and no shoes. The bottem of her dresss was touching the ground and it was covered in mud.

I raized my head still looking at her. She looked so much fermiliure. She looks like...

Then it came to my head as I looked back to see no one behind. Then I jumped out of the window.

Tsurugi's mom's pov

I was feeling a little cheely as I went out side the room only to see that trash jumping out of the window. I then tried to head towards the window but then stopped. "what am I doing" I said as I went inside the room again.

Tsurugi's pov

I jumped out of the window as I started looking for her. I looked at my feet. Dame it, I forgot I didn't wear shoes. My feet was covered in mud and I was wet. So much for taking a bath.

Then I accidentally looked in front only to see the girl staring at me. But when she realized I was looking at her she again started to walk. She walk in to the small forest next to the hot spring.

"hey, wait" I screamed but she didn't stop. That was stupid of me, of course she wouldn't stop for a stranger. I then entered the woods. Man it was dark. I then kept walking and walking and saw the girl sitting facing a big tree.

She was closing her eyes and... I don't know what she's doing. There was a statue beneath the big tree. Man that tree is big but too bad it didn't have lots of leafs.

I looked at her face. "reesha" I whispered as she opened her eyes and looked at me. "so it was you. Reesha wha.." I was cut of by her putting her finger on her lips like it was to say 'don't say anything'.

"you" "I said shush" she cut me again and closed her eyes again. Then I gave her a confusing look. "you what are you doing" I asked as she sighed.

"one leaf of a big tree" she said still closing her eyes. "what?" I asked. "the forest is a big place with each separate tree but they are one. Just like us living beens and so.." "are you trying to do poetry" I asked cutting her while straying to hold my laugh.

"im not doing poetry but just to make it clear poetry is" "nothing but something that never interested me" I cut her again as I sat down besides her.

"you... I wish you should just die" she said as I smiled. "well too bad but even if I wont to die I wont die. I tried to kill my self a lot of times and never died" I said as she looked at me. "really" she asked as I looked at her seriously.

"no, I'm just messing with you" I said as she hit me with a branch. "ouch, what was that for" I asked rubbing my head. "you're the worst" she said.

"thanks, I know" I said sarcastically while rubbing my head.

"so where were you all this time" I asked as she looked down and tried to hide her face. "it's non of you're business" she whispered. Did something happened.

"how is you're head" she asked. "how is it. You just hit me with a branch no way it's good" I said as she looked at me annoyed. "not that. I mean the day I left. When I pushed you.... You hurt your head didn't you" she said as I lied on her legs.

"you what are you doing" she asked blushing and panicking. "you know, girls legs are like pillows. There chubby and all. Also.." (slam) I was cut of by she hitting my head again. "don't use me like as a pillow" she complained as I smiled at her. Then she started to blush as I put my pinky on her cheek.

"you're... blushing" I said as she lifted my head with her hands and dropped it on the muddy ground. "you really pissing me off" she said as she stood up.

"well, sorry for telling the truth" I said as I sat up.

"you're dating aren't you. If you sleep on another women's lap kinako-chan could misunderstood." She complained as I smirked. "who told you I was dating. I'm just still thinking about it" I said as she hit me with a branch again.

"what's with you and branches" I asked as she started pulling a tree from the ground and lifted it. She's not human. She's defenetly a devil or a demon.

"you're such an awful boy" she said. "are you telling you're just playing with her"

"I didn't say that" I said as she calmed down. "I'm not playing with her or dating her. Besides it's not my fault that she likes me"

"I thought you liked her too" she asked as she put the tree down.

"I did but I don't know about now. After she rejected me I kind of let the past go and moved on" I said as she appeared in front of my face. Our faces were only inches away. My cheeks started to heat up.

"so you mean your not sure or are you just lieing to me" she said as I backed away a little. "the first" I said as she turned around and started doing something but I think I heard her say "alright" or something like that.

"reesha" I said as I heard ni-san's voice from behind. I looked back as I saw him running towards me. I then again looked in front but she was gone. Defenetly not human.

"kyousuke, what are you doing. look at you, you're all covered in mud and what are you doing out side in this rain" ni-san kept scolding me with out even giving me a chance to explain.

..................time skip....................

I was again bathing thanks to someone. I sighed. "but where did she disepeer of too. I cant believe her" I said as I saw bubbles in front of me. Then suddenly a person popped out of the water.

The water hurt my eyes so I closed them but when I opened them I saw reesha. "miss me already" she asked as my eyes automatically went to her body. Thank god she was wearing cloths.

I sighed in relief as I remembered. My face turned super red. It was about to explode. I quickly cover my self.

"wha....what are.... Why are you here" I screamed as she just swam around. "what do you mean. I'm here to bath" she said as I looked around. No one except me was in the bath. What a relief. I sighed. No that's not....

"this is the boys.." "but it says mix bath" she cut me as I hit my head. "I must have gone to the wrong one" I thought.

I should get out of here. No wait, if I stand up now then reesha.... Ahhhhhhhh why does this always happen to me. But what is she thinking of entering to a mix

"hey reesha, do you know what mix baths are for" I asked. "no. not a clue" she said still bathing so freely. "she's no girl either" I whispered.

"but wait what am I thinking. What am I going to do. Maybe if I wait here till she goes then.... Ok, that will do" I thought

..............after 1 hour..............

"wow, this water is so clean" reesha was jumping up and down in the water. "haven't  she had inaf" I thougth.

My body is starting to feel dizzy. Did I stay here too long. "of course I have it's already 11.00 p.m." I whispered as reesha came close to me. "are you alright" she asked as I felt my body getting heavier. It's so hot.

And before I knew it my eyes closed.

Reesha's pov

"tsurugi-kun, are you dead" I asked as he started saying some stuff. But I couldn't hear it because the voice was weak and... guess he fell a sleep. Cute, kinako sure is lucky. I then kissed tsurugi-kuns forehead and pulled him out of the bath.

Then I put him on my back and carried him to a sofa near the window . He yawed a bit while I was carrying him but then completely fell in to a deep sleep.

followed by a vampire ( Tsurugi X Kinako X OC)Where stories live. Discover now