chapter four

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Over the course of the next few days, Dan continued making attempts to regain his friendship with Phil. A lot of people were confused about the fact that this stony face asshole was so persistent to be with someone who wasn't even very known in the school. Sure he had his few friends but no one payed much attention to him like they did Dan. Dan was cool and interesting. Mysterious and scary.

Girls wanted him to be that persistent to get them, they wanted to be chased by Dan Howell. Unfortunately for them, girls were really never on his mind.

Dan jogged after Phil in the hall. He had sworn that over these few days, he had jogged the most he ever had in his life because of Phil.

"What do you want, Dan?" Phil asked as he headed towards the doors. School had ended and the place was almost completely empty except for a few lingering students.

"To talk to you." Dan pants, out of breath from just the small bit of jogging he had done. "Want to hang out after school?" He hums, looking over at Phil. Phil looked away and huffed. Dan frowned a little.

"Phil-" He was cut off when Phil shoved him against the lockers unexpectedly.

"What do you suddenly care so much? Why do you want to be my friend again?" Phil snaps at him, Dan not moving from where he is. His back is pressed to the lockers and Phil steps closer. Dan looks him in the eyes, he looks like he wants to cry.

"I-" Dan stopped for a moment, he looked at Phil carefully for a moment. "I'm an asshole for ending out friendship the way I did, I just. . ."

"Yeah, you are an asshole. You embarrassed me infront of everyone." Phil choked out a small sob before shoving Dan again and running out the doors before he could say anything else. Dan bit his lip as the memory came back to him.

Phil had just told Dan he was gay the day before, Dan told him that he was too.

Dan stood by some of his friends, laughing a bit. They saw Phil walking close by, a few whispered about him being a faggot. They told Dan that Phil wasn't cool. Fearful that they wouldn't think he was cool if he was friends with him. He told him that he knew Phil was gay and that he liked him.

One kid tripped him, in front of so many people.

"You have the hots for Dan Howell?" He snapped, Phil looked at Dan for help. Dan always helped. His eyes were pleading. Dan bit his lip, unsure what to do.

"Dan?" Phil's was a little shaken, watching Dan for a moment.

"We aren't friends. I'm not friends with fags." Dan's words tumbled out in a rush, Phil looked heart broken. Phil stumbled as he stood.

"But Dan-" His voice broken as he spoke before he was shoved, Dan turned away and left. He just left. People watched, hooting and laughing.

Dan wasn't friends with those kids anymore. He wasn't really friends with anyone. It was easier to isolate yourself. Not hurt others.

Dan stood where he was for a moment.

"Fuck, Dan!" He yelled at himself. "You dumbass!" He growled as he swirled around and punched the locker as hard as he could. He pulled it away, clutching his hand in pain. It cascaded up his arms, his knuckles were already beginning to bruise.

He walked outside, Phil was standing there. His cheeks were shiny from tears trailing down them. His eyes were on Dan, he glanced down at his hand.

"You're stupid." Phil spat.

"Yeah, I know." Dan hissed, dropping his hand limply to his side and looking away. His eyes were on his car as he stood there. He didn't want to say anything, he was already angry. He didn't want to make things worse.

He just wanted to fix things. But he didn't know how.

Phil wanted things to be fixed. But he didn't want to get hurt again. Because now, it would be worse. It was always worse the second time.

Note: Wow, some crazy stuff is going down. I'm gonna upload two or more chapter today since I have been slacking a bit.

Word count: 695 words

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