chapter ten

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It had been two days since Dan had seen Phil and it was beginning to drive him insane. Hopefully he would talk to him at school today but even that wasn't very likely considering what had happened with Maddie.

"Fucking Maddie." Dan mutters under his breath as he started up the car. One week left of school. One week and Dan had three months of summer to himself.

It was a bit scary considering that Phil might not even spend it with him. There was still hope. He could fix things. He would just have to try hard, like before. That would prove to Phil that he didn't like Maddie that he liked him.

God damn it, no. He loves Phil. Phil meant too much to him. He couldn't just lose him because of some stupid girl. A mistake he hadn't even meant to make.

Dan walks into school, searching for Phil. Maddie makes her up to him but he just brushes past her without even sparing her a glance. He is far too busy looking for Phil.

He sees Phil standing by a group of his friends, not really including himself in the conversation. He was just listening it seemed.

Dan reaches out and places a hand gently on his shoulder.

"Hey, Phil." His voice was careful when he spoke, he was hesitant. Phil turns to look at him, facial expression darkening when their eye met.

"What do you want, Daniel?" His voice is hushed, he didn't want his friends hearing them arguing.

"Please, let me explain to you what happened. After school. I'll be waiting by my car. Please." He frowns, quieting his voice just as Phil had done.

"Fine, fine." Phil grumbles, glancing over at his friends. "Don't make me regret it."

"You won't, babe." Dan offers him a smile and shifts closer. It was unlikely that Phil would let him kiss him but maybe he wanted to convince his friends that they weren't fighting.

"Don't call me that." He whispers. Phil looks down at Dan lips, longing for a kiss. He sighs before leaning in and pecking him on the lips carefully. Dan grins at him before giving him a small wave and turning away to leave.

Kat looks over at Phil and lifts an eyebrow.

"I'm surprised that things are still going strong between you and him." She tells Phil and few of his friends nod in agreement.

"I'm going to pretend like you didn't say that and I didn't see any of you guys nod." He huffs, looking at the clock before walking off.

"Phil, where are you going?" Kat calls after him.

"Class." He looks over his shoulder. "It's almost time for it to start after all."

- - -

The day went by rather slowly for Phil and he couldn't help but feel a bit anxious about the exchange that was going to inevitably happen between him and Dan.

As he steps out of the school doors, he found himself considering just walking away. He sighs and looks over to see that Dan was already leaning against his car.

Dan glances up, as if on cue, and notices Phil. He smiles softly, watching Phil to see what he will do. Phil doesn't return the smile but walks over in Dan's direction. He leans beside him.

"What did you want to tell me?" Phil asks, looking at the ground in front of him.

"I didn't kiss Maddie. I mean I did but I didn't want her to. She just kissed me and I pushed her away but she was like clinging to me," He scowls a little at the thought of the kiss, "You know she just wants my attention and she thinks if she lets me get in her pants that people will think she is cool."

Phil glances over at Dan.

"Phil, I care about you. You know that. I just. . .I don't want anyone else. No one else at all. You are the only person that I have ever really really wanted. I need you like I need to breath. Fuck, Phil Lester. I'm. . ." Dan trails off and looks over at Phil. Phil meets his eyes and stands there, unsure what to do.

"I love you, Phil." The words that tumble from Dan's mouth, shock Phil. Never ever would he think that Daniel Howell would tell someone that he loves them, let alone him.

"Prove it." Phil says, crossing his arms. Dan laughs, eyes crinkling when he does. Phil's stomach does flips, he loves when Dan laughs genuinely.

"This is just like the time when we first kissed." Dan says, leaning closer to Phil. Phil blushes, not being able to help the fact that he was leaning back. God damn you, Dan, for being so intoxicating.

Dan leans in closer and in response Phil lets his lips part but he looks down suddenly. He feels Dan's fingers under his chin as he tilts his head back up and runs his thumb over his bottom lip. He leans in and kisses him. Phil lets himself melt into Dan's hands, uncrossing his arms and his hands tangle through Dan's hair.

He tugs lightly at Dan's hair and bites at his bottom lip. Dan moans into Phil mouth in response.

"Dan, not here." He teases as Dan kisses at his neck.

"Let's go to your house then." Dan says against his neck, pinning him against the car.

"Yeah, okay." Phil smiles a bit, pushing Dan away as he laughs a little. "You have no self control."

"You make me lose myself." Dan tells him and Phil rolls his eyes.

"Don't be cheesy, Daniel." Phil replies.

"Don't call me Daniel."


NOTE: Finally another chapter, took me long enough.

Word count: 945 words

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