chapter twelve

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Dan was already leaning against his car when Phil exited the school.

"There you are." Phil pokes out his tongue, walking over to him.

"Hello, my love." He replies and he places his hands on Phil hips, leaning in for a kiss. Phil smiles against Dan's lips, placing his hands on his cheeks. As Dan pulls away, he shrugs off his leather jacket and threw it over Phil's shoulders.

"You look so cute in my jacket." Dan hums happily and Phil just rolls his eyes.

"I'm going to start stealing your sweaters too." Phil teases. Dan laughs and Phil pokes his dimples.

"Quit that, you spork." Dan laughs more and Phil grins.

"Did you just call me a spork?"

"Maybe." Dan leans over to the door and opens it for Phil. "Shall we be off, Mr. Lester?"

"We shall." Phil said as he bows his head and then gets into the car.

The drive to Phil's apartment continues like this with light hearted, cheeky banter. The two of them were practically dying of laughter as they made an attempt to walk up the stairs to the apartment, both leaning on each other as they stumble up the stairs like drunk children.

Dan collapses on the couch, letting out a sigh.

"We should watch a teen movie. Like a romance." He suggests as he looks over at Phil, who was currently making popcorn.

"I missed this side of you." Phil hums, a fond expression on his face. Dan laughs.

"You are such a sap." He leans over the couch, watching Phil quietly.

"What are you thinking about, heart eyes Howell?" Phil teases as he places the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. Dan smiles softly.

"I was just thinking about how beautiful you are."

"Oh, and I'm the sap?" He chuckles, grabbing a blanket as he lays down with Dan. His back was against the other boy's chest, thighs on either side of him.

The two watch the movie silently, Phil leaning into Dan when he begins to play with his hair. A small grin is plastered on Phil's face as the two of them lay there, the sound of the movie filling up the comfortable silence between them.

Phil's neck begins to tingle as he feels the sensation of Dan's lips trailing down it. He presses soft kisses against the back of his neck, slowly and precisely. It causes Phil to shiver, shifting closer to Dan.

Dan laughs, his breathing warm against his neck. Phil bits his lip before turning over so they were facing each other. His elbows are on either side of Dan, propping him up as he leans forward and presses his lips against Dan's.

The kiss is soft and passionate, Phil has a feeling he know where this was going. This causes him to move even closer, getting on his hands and knees before then cupping Dan's cheek.

Dan places his hands on Phil's hips under the fabric of his shirt. His touch caused goosebumps to form. He pulls away from Phil, kissing and sucking at the skin on his neck. His tongue swirls around over the sensitive areas, causing Phil to let out a soft and quiet moan. Dan laughs again yet is different than normal. It's rough and sexy.

"God, you're so hot." Phil says before kissing Dan. His hands move to the hem of Dan's shirt. He shifts up and Dan follows, allowing Phil to pull off the item of clothing. They break apart for a second, Phil's hands exploring Dan's bare skin.

Seconds later, Phil's shirt is also discarded on the floor and their bare chests are pressed together. Phil's hands are tangled in Dan's now curly locks. He tugs as he presses against Dan, causing him to moan out in pleasure.

"I love it when you get aggressive and dominant like this." Dan breaths as Phil presses kisses against his collarbone.

- - -

Phil awakes in his bed, tangled under the covers with Dan. The memory of the night before replays in his head and he smiles softly in remembrance. He feels Dan shift, glancing over to see he is looking at him.

"What are you thinking about?" Dan says with a wink.

"Last night." Phil replies, rolling over on his side as he meets eyes with him.

"Kat isn't gonna want to sit on your couch now." He laughs, causing Phil to do the same.

"She doesn't have to know." Phil says as he snuggles up to Dan, sighing as he remembers that he has work later in the day. But at least for now, he could enjoy these moments with Dan.

NOTE: Wowza, what an eventful chapter. I don't really do smut because I am not good at it so I cut it off at a certain point. Hope you liked it anyways !

Word count: 771 words

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