chapter eleven

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"Can you believe it, Dan? One week and we will be graduating high school." Phil says as he holds Dan's face gently.

"Yeah, about that." He tells Phil, who frowns in response.

"Don't tell me you are moving away and we have to break up." Phil says, being a little overly dramatic on purpose.

"No, no. Nothing like that. My parents are going to be gone for the whole summer so I have the house to myself and I can do whatever I want." Dan grins.

"A whole house to yourself?" Phil quirks his eyebrow. "That's amazing." Dan nods and laughs when Phil squishes his cheeks. Phil laughs at his facial expression, leaning in and kissing him quickly.

"Yeah, yeah. You can come over as much as you want, we can hang out so much and do all kinds of fun things." Dan winks after the last part.

"Dan!" Phil fake shrieks.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Philip. I was talking about playing video games and watching movies."

"Sure you were." Phil rolls his eyes and kisses Dan again. "Okay, I have to get to class or else I'm going to be late."

"Okay, fine. Bye, babe." Dan replies. Phil stepped back and quick gave Dan a kiss on the cheek before walking down the hall towards his history classroom.

Dan turned to head towards his class but was stopped by a short and petite girl. Kat.

"I know that you are just using Phil." She snaps at him and Dan looks down at her with a quizzical expression.

"That's bullshit." He sneers, furrowing his brows as he glanced at the clock and back at her. He didn't really mind being late for a class, he wouldn't get a detention since it was the last week of school.

"No it's not and you know it. You've dated girls and after a week or two you kick them to the curb." Kat steps closer and Dan crosses his arms. He shrugs.

"People can change if you haven't realized." He bites at the inside of his cheek,

"Not people like you, Dan Howell." She juts a finger at him and he just rolls his eyes.

"You want to know why I got "bored" of girls all the time?" He asks, leaning against the wall beside him, arms still crossed.

"Enlighten me." Kat looks unamused, expecting a bullshit and half assed answer.

"I didn't feel anything for them. I was just trying to convince my family and myself that I was straight but I realized that I'm not straight, not even a little bit. I am gay. So, Kat, I did not just get bored of them. I broke up with them before it got too serious and you know, the last few I apologized to and explained why things didn't work out and I asked them to keep things quiet." Dan sighed after he told her the truth. Kat was silent and Dan just stared at her for a moment.

"Hope you like the answer you got." He walked around her, waving his hand as he headed towards class.

Kat watched him walk away in stunned silence. She was so surprised, she had no clue what to do. When Dan started dating Phil, she assumed that he was bi or heteroflexible. But gay? Daniel Howell, the bad boy of the school was gay?

- - -

As Phil walked towards his locker, he noticed Kat running up to him.

"Phil! Phil!" She was a bit out of breath. "Dan's gay!"

"What? Really? I would have never thought. I mean it's not like I'm dating him, it's not like we make out in his car all the time or on my couch." Phil deadpans.

"Wow, sarcasm noted. Also, ew I sit on that couch all the time. I hope you haven't fucked on it." Kat crosses her arms.

"Not yet." He blushes at the thought.

"Yet? Yet, Phil?" She throws up her arms. "How about never. I will never come to your apartment ever again if you do."

"Well I have some bad news for you." A voice from behind Phil surprises the both of them. Phil turns to see that it's just Dan. Kat glares at him a little, Dan just stares at her.

"Hey, babe. Thought I'd drop by and say hi." Dan pecks Phil on the lips. Phil smiles.

"I'll see you in third hour, okay?" Dan nods.

"Yeah. Are we still on for a cuddle session while watching movies at your place tonight?" Dan asks.

"We sure are. We can't tomorrow though because I have work." Phil reminds Dan.

"Right, maybe I will come and visit you though." Dan says. He waves to Kat and winks at Phil before walking away and disappearing among the crowd of students.

NOTE: a short little filler chapter

word count: 798 words

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