chapter thirteen

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"Baaaabe, can't you just like not go?" Dan pesters Phil, following around his apartment like a lovesick puppy.

"No, I need money. How else am I going to pay for this apartment?" Phil laughs, turning and facing Dan. Dan lets out a 'hmph' in response, looking down at his feet. Phil grabs his cheeks, kissing him on the lips and then the nose and then both his cheeks.

"I'll see you later, sweetheart." Phil smiles at him before opening the door. When he is halfway out, he waves before disappearing and shutting the door behind him. Dan sighs.

"Now what am I supposed to do?" He huffs, walking over to the couch and plopping down on it. His phone dings almost immediately afterwards.

On his screen is a text.

daddy: read a book or something, do your homework for once

Dan pouts, rolling back over.

"Books are boring." He mutters to himself before forcing himself to get up.

As he paced around, he stopped and excitement flooded through him. What better to do than draw his boyfriend surrounded in plants. Wait! No! Paint him! He thinks, running to grab his jacket, wallet, phone, and car keys.

He locks the door behind him and thumps down the stairs.

- - -

It wasn't long before he was at his own home, sitting in his workroom. It was originally a small office but he had taken over it a few summers ago, possibly without his parents consent. But they weren't using it so it was just up for claim.

He set to work, sketching loosely first. Then he began painting, adding details and fleshing it out.

Dan couldn't help but grin as he continues to work.

- - -

A few hours later, the painting was finished and Dan was heading back to Phil's apartment. He attempted to capture every little detail he could, from all of his freckles to the exact color of his eyes.

He hopes though that Phil would find it romantic and not creepy. Is it creepy? No, it's endearing. Yeah, yeah. He told himself as he walked into the apartment.

He checks his phone anxiously. 10 minutes and Phil would be home. Dan couldn't help but pace nervously while he waited.

He heard the door click and he looks up with excitement.

"Honey, I'm home." Phil shrugs off his coat, looking over at Dan who looked like a puppy who hadn't seen his owner in a week.

"Hey, I uh. . .I have something to show you." Dan plays with his fingers nervously. He glances up at Phil, who is smiling at him fondly. Dan walks over to the kitchen and grabs the canvas, returning to Phil.

Carefully, he turns it around and smiles.

"It's uh. . ." Dan trails off, blushing like an idiot.

"You are such a romantic." Phil laughs. He moves closer, kissing Dan. He can't help but smile against his lips.

"Do you like it?" Dan asks when they pull apart.

"Of course, nerd." Phil rolls his eyes. "It's amazing. You have so much talent that can be put to use."

And that is how the night ends, a painting propped against the wall and two boys cuddling and kissing on the couch whilst "watching" Harry Potter.

NOTE: finally another chapter, it's kinda bland and a filler cause I have writer's block. I'm on spring break so hopefully I'll be able to get out some new chapters.

Word count: 536 words

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