chapter fourteen

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"Are you almost finished Dan?" Phil calls towards the bathroom, rolling his eyes at how long his boyfriend took to get ready. Phil had a whole day planned out for them to hang out as a couple.

"Yeah, yeah." Dan replies, stepping out of the bathroom. Instead of his usual straightened hair, it was curly. Phil's eyes widen.

"Your hobbit hair!" Phil says, reaching to touch it. Dan swats his hand away playfully, smiling softly.

"It's no big deal." He mumbles, cheeks a light pink. Phil just chuckles and then grabs his hands.

"Alright, let's go!" He tugs Dan toward the door.

"I'm driving!" Dan proclaims as he pulls his keys out of his pocket.

"Of course." Phil laughs, letting Dan lead him to his car.

They sit in a comfortable silence as they drive, music feelings the air, Dan's hand on Phil's thigh. Every once and awhile, the two would look over at each other and smile.

"So, tell me, where are we going first?" Dan asks, glancing at Phil.

"Well, Daniel, we are going to go to a cute little cafe called Half Moon Cafe." Phil says, Dan could tell he was smiling without even looking over at him.

"Sounds perfect, babe. I would kiss you but I'm driving." Dan laughs. Phil laughs and leans over, kissing Dan on the cheek.

Dan blushes despite the fact that the gesture was far more innocent than many of the things they had done together.

"Today is going to be perfect." Phil sighs happily.

"Of course it is, because you planned it." Dan smirks and Phil swats his arm playfully.

"Oh quit that!" He shakes his head at him.

"Make me." Dan leans towards him softly.

- - -

"Turn into here." Phil directs and Dan pulls into the parking lot of the cafe. "Ta-daaa!" Phil says as the cafe comes into sight.

It's small and monochrome. There are plants outdoors and through the large windows you can see there are multiple more inside. Two small two seater tables sit on either side of the door.

"It fits our aesthetics perfectly." Dan comments as Phil grabs his hand to lead him inside.

"You're a dork, quite trying to be all dark and stoic when you aren't." Phil mocks as they take a seat. The tables are small and made of dark wood with stools for seats. In the middle is a pot full of assorted succulents and cacti.

It wasn't long before a waitress came over and they order. Dan got a hot chocolate and french toast and Phil decides on green tea and pancakes.

They talk quietly amongst themselves while they wait for their food and even after they got it, obviously enjoying their time together.

After finishing their meal, they pay and head back to the car to continue their day.

- - -

"The first date spot of the day is right up here." Phil says in a sing-song voice, clearly pleased with himself. Dan just rolls his eyes but follows Phil's directions, taking notice to the fact that the area seemed familiar.

Before Dan knew it, they were at a certain botanical garden.

"I couldn't help but want to bring you back here, especially because the first time we stumbled upon each other here I never got a picture of you with the plants." Phil chuckles nervously. "Even though I was rude the first time, I couldn't help but think that you looked really beautiful surrounded in so much color."

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