chapter fifteen

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After waking up from their nap, Phil rushes off to the bathroom with Dan so they can change into their normal clothing.

At the sight of a very naked Dan, Phil blushes. It wasn't like this was his first time seeing Dan naked but he just looked really hot with his still wet hair flopped over his face.

"What are you staring at?" Dan teases. Phil goes a deep red when he realizes that Dan had caught him staring.

"I- I uh!" Phil stutters in embarrassment, unsure what to say. Dan just chuckles, walking over to Phil and kissing him softly.

"You're a doofus." He winks at him before pulling on his boxers and his black skinny jeans.

Once fully dressed, the couple made their way back to Dan's car.

"Now, we should go to the music shop. I'll buy you anything you want." Phil smiles fondly at Dan.

"Really?" Dan's eyes widen in excitement. It was no secret that he was an actual hoe for music.

"Really, it is your birthday after all." Phil winks, "Now drive you dork."

Dan smiles when he realized Phil had remember his birthday, though he hadn't chosen to share that fact up until now.


Excitedly, Dan makes his way down the aisles of records, cds and other music stuff. He can't quite decide what he wants to buy.

He catches sight of a book full of sheet music for the piano and his eyes glitter with excitement. He snatches it up and dashes over to Phil.

"Phil! Phil! Phil!" He exclaims, holding up the book so Phil can see. He looks like a child asking his mom if he can get a toy he wants.

"What?" Phil laughs, eyes landing on the book. He smiles, looking at Dan fondly. Dan shows him the book, flipping through the pages.

"Do you want anything else?" Phil questions after a moment and Dan shakes his head.

"No, this is all." Dan pulls him to the counter in excitement.


A few hours later, Dan sits at his piano as he waits for Phil to return from the bathroom.

As soon as Phil enters the room, he begins playing the soft melody.

"It's cheesy, I know." Dan says, before he begins to hum the tune of 'Youth' by Troye Sivan. He glances over at Phil to see him smiling softly, a fond look on his face. Dan blushes a little but continues to play.

Once he finishes, he swings his legs over to the other side of the bench and looks over at Phil.

"I know it was cheesy but well-" He is cut off when Phil moves forward and kisses him.

"Hush, it was great." Phil assures him, cupping his cheeks softly. "I know you doubt yourself but trust me, from your amazing art skills to this, it's all great. You are great."

Dan lets out a soft chuckle, pressing his forehead to Phil's.

"I love you." Dan says softly.

"I love you, too." Phil closes his eyes. There was so many years to come and memories to make for the two boys and they both couldn't wait.

NOTE: and just like that, it's done.

word count: 521 words

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