chapter five

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Dan continued to be persistent in his ways. Phil tried to seem agitated by it but he couldn't. He wanted to hate Dan so badly, he really did but for some reason, he just couldn't. There wasn't anyway that he could not matter how many attempts he made to do so.

Phil watched Dan was he leaned against his car, obviously thinking about something. Dan looked up, making eye contact with Phil. Dan shot him a small smile, eyes asking him to come over.

That voice in the back of Phil's mind told him that it was a bad idea to comply but he did anyways. He made his way over there, Dan looking almost surprised but quite pleased with this.

"No one can withstand my charm forever." Dan said playfully, Phil's face was serious though as we watched Dan.

"Prove it." Phil finally said after the two of them sat there in silence.

"Prove what?" Dan looked over at him, confused at this. What did Phil want him to prove?

"Prove that you want to fix things." Phil replied softly. Dan thought he had already with how hard he had been trying to get Phil to give him the time of Dan. But how do I prove it to him?

Dan shifted for a moment as he thought in silence. Phil was beginning to worry that maybe Dan was regretting all that he had done and didn't want to fix things anymore. These thoughts were pushed from his mind when Dan spoke. His voice was quiet, almost unsure.

"Phil?" Dan said, looking at him. Phil looked up from the ground and over at Dan, eyes widening a bit when Dan steps close to him. His heart sped up when Dan stepped in front of him and leaned close.

Their lips of inches apart, Dan hesitated. He was unsure if Phil wanted him. Dan can't help but remember how excited he was when he found out his best friend was gay when they were younger. He knew that there might be a chance, no matter how slim, that Phil might return his feelings.

Phil reached up a hand and threaded it through Dan's hair, pulling him closer. Their lips collided, moving together slowly. Dan was gentle and unsure. This wasn't the first boy he had kissed, but this was surely the first one that had felt this way. It was different than before. So different.

Time seemed to slow as Dan kissed Phil, hands on his hips as he pressed him against the car. Phil's hands were threaded through his hair, keeping him there and tugging occasionally.

Dan kissed more roughly as they continued, slipping his tongue into Phil's mouth. It wasn't long after that the two broke apart, panting heavily. Phil's hands rested on the back of Dan's neck as he watched him. Dan moved close again, kissing Phil softly on the neck for a moment before moving away.

"I think that was proof enough." He teased Phil, looking to see that people were heading into the school.

"'m gonna head to class." Dan told him before heading off towards where the rest of the students were.

Phil couldn't get the feeling of Dan's lips on his out of his mind. That was his first kiss. Ever. And it was great.

Over the course of the day, there was a murmuring about Dan kissing Phil. No one bothered either of them about it though, because many knew now that if you messed with Phil, Dan was likely to mess you up.

Especially now that it was rumored that they were dating. After all, who makes out with someone against their car and isn't dating.

Dan felt like he was floating most of the day, the kiss sitting in the back of his mind. Also the fact that in one week, school was over forever and his parents would be gone for four whole months. More if he was lucky.

That meant staying out as long as he wanted and having whoever he wanted over.

Phil being the main person that he planned on having over.

NOTE: Up til now, about two weeks have passed, just so you guys know.

Word count: 686 words

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