chapter eight

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Dan walks outside, leaning against the brick building that was the school as he waited for Phil. The two of them had planned to have a weekend alone together and Dan was looking forward to it. He hummed to himself as he pulled out his phone. His eyes drift away from the screen as he sees Maddie staring up at him.

She thought she still had a chance with him, after all she had watched him drop girls and guys alike after a few weeks because he got bored. The same would happen to Phil and he would move on. It wouldn't happen with her though, she knew it wouldn't.

"What?" He looks at her with a bored expression, she smiles.

"We should really hang out you know." She tells him as she rocks on her heels.

"Mhm, I have plans this weekend." Dan deadpans in reply, glancing at her. She frowns.

"Well, we can hang out right now." She suggests, getting a little impatient.

"I'm waiting for Phil." She sighs at this. Phil this, Phil that. It's just Phil, Phil, Phil. She thinks to herself as she crosses her arms. Maddie bites her lip as she thinks of a way to get Dan's attention. Carefully she steps forward, pushing Dan's hand away as she got on her tip toes. His eyes went wide as she pulled his face down to hers, their lips meeting.

He stood there, frozen as she kissed him. He shoved his phone in his pocket as he placed his hands on her hips and attempted to push her away.

Phil walked out of the school at this exact moment, looking over to see the two with their lips locked.

"Dan. . .?" His voice broke as Dan finally got Maddie to pull away from him.

"What the hell?" He snarls at Maddie, she grins.

"Don't act like you didn't want it." She tells him, looking and seeing Phil.

"Uh oh." She says, putting a hand to her mouth as she fake gasps.

"Phil, it wasn't what you think." Dan tells him, stepping towards him. "I'm not like that, not to you."

"Shut up, Dan! I can't believe I trusted you again!" Phil snaps at him, feeling tears welling up in his eyes. He pulls off the leather jacket and throws it at Dan. Dan catches it and frowns.

"Phil, please." He walks towards him again. "Let me explain."

"I don't want to hear what you have to say. I've seen all that I needed." Phil's words are like acid rain, stinging Dan's skin. Dan stops and stands there, watching Phil storm off.

Phil feels tears roll down his cheek as he runs off, he'll have to take a bus home or walk. He doesn't want to see Cat because he know what she will say to him. I'm such an idiot for trusting him. I should have known he would do this.

Dan swings around to face Maddie. She smirks at him.

"What the fuck? Look what you did! You really think I want to hang out with you? Especially after that fucking stunt that you just pulled? Me and Phil were just beginning to piece things back together and now we are back at square fucking one! Who knows how long it will take for me to earn his trust again!" His words few out, hitting Maddie like a big smack in the face. She gazes at him in astonishment, unsure what to say. She would never have thought that this would have been Dan's response, she expected something different from him.

People stared at them, watching as Dan loomed over her. He shoved her out of the way.

"You're fucking lucky I don't hit girls." He snaps, turning away from her. She watches him stalk off to his car, getting in and slamming the door.

He slams his hand against the steering wheel, letting out an angry yell.

"Fuck!" He howls, trying to keep the tears in his eyes from escaping. He slumps back in his seat, sighing.

I fucked up and it wasn't even my fault this time. He gazes over at Maddie, who is watching him with her friends. He narrows his eyes, glaring at her. A few girls step back. If looks could kill, Maddie would be dead as soon as Dan has narrowed his eyes.

He speeds off after a few moments, not heading home. He just drives. He doesn't know where he's going or where he will end up, he just drives. Drives away from the mess that his life is now suddenly becoming. Nothing good lasts, he should have know that. Life isn't fair and it will always come around and bite you in the ass when you are finally starting to enjoy it.

He should have know this. He shouldn't have tried to get Phil back because now he was just ruining his life as well. He feels himself finally crumpling in like broken down walls in a hurricane. Caving in. Breaking. Broken. Done for. That's what he is and he doesn't know what to do next.

NOTE: Here comes the drama, where I ruin everything. <3

Word count: 849 words

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